Friday, May 15, 2020

Attachment Theory and the Differences in the Development...

How the attachment theory accounts for differences in the development of social relationships in aging adults? Name Institution Date How the attachment theory accounts for differences in the development of social relationships in aging adults? The attachment theory is one of the common theories in the specification of child development and growth in the world. Indeed, several influencing factors are concerned with the generation and establishment of the relationship that exists between parents and their children in the society. According to psychological understandings and studies in the world, there is a common feature of child growth and development that can be developed within the parameters of assumption and specification. For instance, it becomes very possible to have children growing and developing within the parameters and precepts set by their parents or caregivers. The attitudes and treatments from the caregiver appear to have innate influence on the general growth and development of the child (Sigelman Rider, 2011). According to the growth and development of the attachment theory, children are part of the regenerative entities in the human society. This is also applicable in the animal world. In a study involving monkeys, it is evident that all living creatures exhibit tenderness to the young. Evidently, it is becomes possible to have elements of concern that are directed at influencing the general growth and development of a child. Children have a tendencyShow MoreRelatedAttachment Theory Essay1784 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction John Bowlby developed his Attachment Theory to examine and explore the contextual relationships between a child and their caregiver and their behavioral repercussions. 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