Thursday, November 28, 2019
Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright is an American architect who remains one of the most famous designers of the world due to his original ideas and unusual for ordinary Americans vision.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Frank Lloyd Wright specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Still, considering the buildings and interior design Wright had created, it is possible to say that the buildings designed by this person remind Japanese architecture. This relation may be easily proved if to consider two examples of architecture, one of which is the Japanese building, another one is designed by Wright. This picture is an example of Japanese architectural design. Looking at it, it is easy to see two levels of roof with fascinating design. Moreover, if one is familiar with the Japanese traditions and culture, he/she may easily conclude that Japanese houses full of space. It is natural to see a big room in Japanese architectural design which may b e divided into different areas by means of screens. The same tendency is seen in the buildings designed by Frank Wright. Looking at the picture, it is possible to say that it is created in the same tendency as Japanese buildings are. The roof has several levels, the materials are preliminary wooden. Looking at the building designed by Frank Wright it is possible to predict that the interior design of the building is full of space and light. Japanese people respect nature and the Frank Wrightââ¬â¢s building created as the part of this nature may be one more proof that eastern tendencies influenced the architect. Adding to the space discussion, it is possible to state that looking at the skyscrapers the designer did not see the space, there was just height which was dictated by the human desire to be in the center of the city.Advertising Looking for essay on architecture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The natural tendencie s of the Japanese culture are absolutely different. Nature presupposes space and freedom. That is why these tendencies are so close to Frank Wright and his buildings. Relating Frank Wrightââ¬â¢s buildings to Japanese architectural design, it is impossible to omit the fact that geometry plays important role in far eastern culture. It seems that Japanese architects try to hide the reality under the symbolic nature of geometrical forms. Frank Wrightââ¬â¢s works have captured some tendencies of cubism which may be easily seen from the exterior view of the building. The structure of the house is extremely important as it enhances its beauty. Looking at the works completed by Frank Wright it is impossible to disagree with the statement. It is impossible to say that Frank Wright copied the traditional Japanese architecture as the buildings have different aesthetic look, still, the tendencies are seen. It is obvious that Frank Lloyd Wright took the ideas from the cultural heritage of Japan and considered those in a new way, tried to give those absolutely new vision. Thus, it may be concluded that the Frank Lloyd Wright was inspired by the traditional Japanese architectural design. A deep look at the architecture of Japanese designers makes it possible to state that some specific features of exterior and interior design Frank Wright used while building his pieces of art were borrowed from Japanese architectural tradition. At the same time, it is necessary to state that Japanese design is not just the modern tendency, but the honor for the tradition rooted to ancient times, while the buildings designed by Wright are unexpected decisions supported with original ideas. This essay on Frank Lloyd Wright was written and submitted by user BlackWidow to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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