Thursday, November 28, 2019
Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright is an American architect who remains one of the most famous designers of the world due to his original ideas and unusual for ordinary Americans vision.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Frank Lloyd Wright specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Still, considering the buildings and interior design Wright had created, it is possible to say that the buildings designed by this person remind Japanese architecture. This relation may be easily proved if to consider two examples of architecture, one of which is the Japanese building, another one is designed by Wright. This picture is an example of Japanese architectural design. Looking at it, it is easy to see two levels of roof with fascinating design. Moreover, if one is familiar with the Japanese traditions and culture, he/she may easily conclude that Japanese houses full of space. It is natural to see a big room in Japanese architectural design which may b e divided into different areas by means of screens. The same tendency is seen in the buildings designed by Frank Wright. Looking at the picture, it is possible to say that it is created in the same tendency as Japanese buildings are. The roof has several levels, the materials are preliminary wooden. Looking at the building designed by Frank Wright it is possible to predict that the interior design of the building is full of space and light. Japanese people respect nature and the Frank Wright’s building created as the part of this nature may be one more proof that eastern tendencies influenced the architect. Adding to the space discussion, it is possible to state that looking at the skyscrapers the designer did not see the space, there was just height which was dictated by the human desire to be in the center of the city.Advertising Looking for essay on architecture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The natural tendencie s of the Japanese culture are absolutely different. Nature presupposes space and freedom. That is why these tendencies are so close to Frank Wright and his buildings. Relating Frank Wright’s buildings to Japanese architectural design, it is impossible to omit the fact that geometry plays important role in far eastern culture. It seems that Japanese architects try to hide the reality under the symbolic nature of geometrical forms. Frank Wright’s works have captured some tendencies of cubism which may be easily seen from the exterior view of the building. The structure of the house is extremely important as it enhances its beauty. Looking at the works completed by Frank Wright it is impossible to disagree with the statement. It is impossible to say that Frank Wright copied the traditional Japanese architecture as the buildings have different aesthetic look, still, the tendencies are seen. It is obvious that Frank Lloyd Wright took the ideas from the cultural heritage of Japan and considered those in a new way, tried to give those absolutely new vision. Thus, it may be concluded that the Frank Lloyd Wright was inspired by the traditional Japanese architectural design. A deep look at the architecture of Japanese designers makes it possible to state that some specific features of exterior and interior design Frank Wright used while building his pieces of art were borrowed from Japanese architectural tradition. At the same time, it is necessary to state that Japanese design is not just the modern tendency, but the honor for the tradition rooted to ancient times, while the buildings designed by Wright are unexpected decisions supported with original ideas. This essay on Frank Lloyd Wright was written and submitted by user BlackWidow to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
My Personal Work Experience essays
My Personal Work Experience essays I am writing this paper according to my own work experience. I started working when I was 13 years old. I worked at a kids clothing store in the mall after school and on the weekends. I started working at an early age because my family needed the money. My mother raised five children on her own by holding two jobs, so we all had to help. I would go to school full time and work part-time. I feel that I know the value of money due to my work experiences. Once I start working, it was really hard to stop or cut back on the income that I was earning. I've always wanted to go back to college to get my degree, but I was not able to because I didn't want to make less money. I tried going to school part-time and working full time, but I was not able to do both. I think that if I had the opportunity to get an education first, I would do so before trying to earn a living, but in my situation, I had to work. On the other hand, I think it was good to have had the experience because it made me mor e discipline. I started working due to necessity, but I think along the way luxury became my necessity. I feel that no matter how much I make, it was not enough because there is always something else I need to have. I believe it is about the lifestyle I chose to live which is influenced by the society we live in. I work hard now because it is for my children. I want to provide them with what I did not have growing up. I want to make sure that they have nothing to worry about except to finish school and get a good job. I did not have the same opportunity so I feel that it is very important for me to provide them with the education they need. Most jobs require a degree in order to move up in the company. All the work experience that I had did not get me what I wanted at my company because of politics and other reasons. This is the other reason why I am back in school. Education and experience are what most companies are seeking for anyone they hire. I ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Making the case for employee wellbeing in a manufacturing organisation Thesis Proposal
Making the case for employee wellbeing in a manufacturing organisation - Thesis Proposal Example This paper briefly looks into the importance of employee wellness for a large manufacturing organization. In a large manufacturing organization, the employees function like the rings in a chain. As we know, if any one ring goes out of order or damaged in a chain the strength and cohesion of the chain will be lost. Same way in a large manufacturing organization the production processes are linked together. For example consider a tire manufacturing unit which normally may have three divisions; mixing, building and curing. If the mixing people fail to deliver the product in time, tire building will be affected whereas if the building people fail to complete their duties in time curing will be affected. Thus all the employees in a manufacturing unit complement each other in order to attain maximum productivity. â€Å"In situations where pressures to work longer hours are higher, where employees feel overloaded and where managers place stronger demands on personal time, employees are likely to experience greater dissatisfaction with their jobs, higher stress and fatigue, and greater workâ€â€life imbalance. (Macky, 2008) Employees under stress or bad health condition may underperform in an organization which will adversely affect an organization especially a big manufacturing organization. If one of the employees deliberately slows down things, it can affect the entire production activities of the unit. So there is nothing wrong in organizations investing heavily for developing or improving the facilities for the workforce at workplaces. Employees should feel a deep relationship with the organization in order to avoid unnecessary absenteeism or taking unnecessary sick leaves. If the employee considers the organization as his own, then he may refrain from activities which negatively affect the organization for which he is working. But in order to develop such deep relationship with the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Strategic Organizational Culture Change Management Case Study
Strategic Organizational Culture Change Management - Case Study Example The final culture will be one in which everyone will focus on providing with error-free products and services according to the needs of the customer (Gregory H. Watson, 2007Page "Can it be said that Six Sigma is a culture" to which the obvious answer is "Yes." The reason is that Six Sigma is a concept-based metrics-driven, crisis-solving and project-tailored type of initiative. In addition Six Sigma connects performance to pay, has a proper vision, institutes a value, has distinct roles, is spread by way of knowledge transfer and calls for coaching by internal leaders. These are the reasons that make Six Sigma considerably control corporate culture (http://www. ask_dr_harry.aspToDo=view&questId=51&catId=9, retrieved 2nd October 2009). Gregory H. Watson, 2007, Strategic benchmarking reloaded with six sigma: improve your company's .., Jhon Wiley & sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. dr_harry.asp ToDo= view&questId=51&catId =9, retrieved 2nd October 2009.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Relationship between media technology and culture Essay
Relationship between media technology and culture - Essay Example McLuhan’s work laid emphasis on how media is not an exclusive domain, but a space for the intermingling of politics, commerce and culture. One of the founding fathers of the field of media ecology, McLuhan introduced his core ideas in the 1950s and 60s. This was a period of rapid growth in telecommunication technology. The project McLuhan undertook is no less than to explain how â€Å"the nuances and great sweeps of human history are made possible by media of communication--how media determine the thoughts and actions of people and society.†(Strate, 2004) Raymond Williams’ career as a media analyst succeeded that of McLuhan. Consequently, he was able to see the flaws in several of McLuhan’s theories and rectify them to a large extent. Where Williams differed from his predecessor was on his ability to place media in the larger socio-cultural and economic dimensions rather than merely the technological dimension. This essay will argue that while McLuhan lai d out many fundamental concepts governing media studies, it is Williams who offers a more robust and veritable framework of understanding for studying media. Their arguments are weighed in the cases of digital media such as the television and the Internet. And finally, where either scholar’s concepts fall short, the Propaganda Model proposed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman is referred to present a more comprehensive understanding of media and its functionality. ... and weapons, in addition to the major mass media and communication technologies.†(Driedger & Redekop, 1998) Hence, media is effectively an extension of human beings and their perceptory faculties and capabilities. While there is efficiency and expedition in the dissemination of information in this setup, the concerns are the attendant negative consequences. For example, an outcome of this pervasive media space is the numbing of our critical faculties under the overload of information processing. In this cultural order where ‘the medium is the message’, there is danger in media technology’s role in â€Å"how and what we communicate, how we think, feel, and use our senses, and in our social organization, way of life, and world view.†(Driedger & Redekop, 1998) I concur with McLuhan’s apprehensive about the power of media technology in determining and dictating culture. McLuhan further argued that â€Å"the sensory organization, and the relation ship between sensory organization and the nature of thought were shaped by a person's direct experience with a medium. He saw television as a high-involvement medium, which leads viewers to crave the same level of involvement in all of their experiences. This was based on his designation of television as a "cool" medium, drawing on the distinction between "hot" jazz which was highly structured, and "cool" jazz, which was more unstructured, generating more listener involvement.†(Driedger & Redekop, 1998) It is fair to claim that this theory is now proven to be inaccurate, for television actually only requires passive consumption as opposed to active engagement. Indeed, television has thus acquired the derogatory terms ‘idiot box’ and ‘the tube’. This is one of several instances where McLuhan’s grasp of the nature
Friday, November 15, 2019
Theories of Interpersonal Perception and Self Presentation
Theories of Interpersonal Perception and Self Presentation Christian S. Bautista Social Psychology Interpersonal Relationship Solomon Asch (1946) found out that when information is given about another person, some parts of that information are given more importance than others. He called this central trait, which he said we are using to make decisions about the personality of the other person. In his warm-cold study, Asch felt that traits like warm and cold when put in conjunction with traits like practical or determined produced a completely different overall impressions. However, S. Nauts et al argued that Asch’s data (1946), do not provide clear evidence for a primacy of warmth effect; the open-ended responses that were important to Asch’s theorizing were not systematically analysed; the trait-pair choice measure seems unfit to test primacy of warmth; and the results of the ranking measure suggest that warmth was not central in determining participant’s impression. Stereotyping is an assumption we make about other people that maybe unconscious, but that influence our perception of others. Stereotypes can be split into two basic forms; individual and group stereotypes. However, negative stereotypes can lead to group polarization and prejudice, Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) (cited in Payne, S. and Walker, J., 1996, p 191) classroom experiment illustrated this. Rosenthal and Jacobson’s study became popular as it seemed to provide a powerful explanation for the low achievement of the so-called disadvantaged students. However, it was also criticized by educational psychologists on conceptual, methodological and statistical grounds. There were numerous attempts to replicate the study, consistently, only about one third of the studies attempting to demonstrate a self-fulfilling prophecy succeeded, and critics said that the phenomenon did not exist because the support was unreliable. TAQ 2 (752 words) Attribution theory deals with how the social perceiver uses information to arrive at causal explanations for events. It examines what information is gathered and how it is combined to form a causal judgement (Fiske, Taylor, 1991). The aim of attribution is to understand how people interpret the words and actions of others and their own behaviour. An experiment by Thibaut and Riecken in 1955 shows how the subject perceives between someone who is on a higher status and of a lower status. In the procedure, the subject interacted with two other persons; one is of higher status than the subject and the other of a lower status. Both the person complied with the request of the subject, but when the subject was asked why each one had complied, the result was higher status compliance was put down as internal reason and external reason for the lowest status persons compliance. Furthermore, his evaluation from before to after the compliance was favoured to the highest status person. This study shows both antecedent and consequences of attributions for behaviour. In this study they adopted the ideas from Heider (1944) and Michotte (1963). It was assumed that the subject makes distinction and decides between internal and external cause for the other persons compliance on the basis of their perceived power. In attributing compliance to internal causes, positive attitudes are credited by the subject to the person. Attributing these qualities to a person has the consequence that the subject tends to like the person. In this experiment, essential element of attribution research is present. The research has hypotheses about the antecedents of causal attribution and the consequences of the subject making particular attributions (Kelley, H. and L. Michela, J.). We tend to perceive that the observed behaviour is due to the qualities of the person, dispositional attribution, rather than due to external force, situational attribution. The passenger who complains about the bus schedule is likely to be regarded as disagreeable rather than in a hurry. A respectful greeting to your manager may be offered because you like her or it may be only because of the superordinate-subordinate situation which exists between you. Heider (1958), who developed the model called the Naà ¯ve Analysis of behaviour noted that people generally tend to perceive that human behaviour is somehow caused, as it can be used by us in predicting the likelihood of this happening again, rather than being due to chance. We can make two attributions; internal attribution, we attribute the behaviour of the person in their personality, character or attitude; and external attribution, the inference that the person is behaving in a certain way because of the situation he or she may be in. Heider also noted that a person’s behaviour particularly the first impression behaviour is so compelling that observers take it at face value and forget to take sufficient account of possible situational causes. When we make attribution, we must analyse the situation by going beyond the information given about the disposition of others and yourself as well as the environment and how it may be causing the person to behave in such a manner. However, order and predictability are the consequences in making inferences and inferences lead to behaviour. Once someone is given an initial label based on his observed behaviour, the label sticks and becomes self-validating as that person will continue to behave in the way now expected of him. Another attribution theory is Kelly’s covariation model: he developed a logical model for judging whether a particular action should be attributed to the person or stimulus. There are three types of causal information which influence our judgements; consistency, consensus and distinctiveness. Consistency is when cause and effect regularly occur together; for example you may notice that you felt irritable in the morning after a late night out with little sleep, in fact irritability might occur every time you have a very late night. Others also reported the late-night irritability syndrome, this means you are not unique then the consensus is high. Distinctiveness is whether or not a particular behaviour occurred in the same way in the similar situation. According to Kruglanski (1977), people do not just naively come across situation but bring to each social situation a wide range of experiences and prior knowledge. This theory lacks of distinction between intentional and uninten tional behaviour; intentional behaviour occurs when there is a desire for an outcome. Covariance treats explanation as a cognitive activity, no accounting for the social functions of explanations such as clarifying something for another person (Malle, B.F., 2003). TAQ 3 (165 words) TAQ 4 (190 words) Self-presentational behaviour is any behaviour intended to create, modify, or maintain an impression of ourselves in the minds of others. Whenever we attempt to lead people to think of us in a particular way, we are engaging in self-presentation. Self-presentation is very important aspect of our lives. How do we make others to believe that we possess various characteristic plays a huge role on our outcome in life. Self-presentation is a pervasive feature of our social life. However, self-presentational concerns also lead people to engage in behaviours that enhance their appearance but simultaneously jeopardize their own physical well-being and it even underlies self-destructive behaviour. Self-monitoring allows human to measure their behavioural outcomes against a set of standards. Small children typically do not have the ability to self-monitor, it develops overtime. The ability to both understand and internalize other’s behavioural expectations is a developmental social milestone that will occur in middle childhood. Both self-presentation and self-monitoring shaped me to the person I am today. I was able to convince people; my wife; my friends; and my colleagues that I am worthy of their love, their friendship, their trust and their respect. TAQ 5 (156 words) There are many factors involved, such as proximity, similarity, and physical attractiveness in the formation of relationships. It was found out that the friendliest person were those who live near on another. â€Å"Those who play together stay together†, in other words those who share similar interest in leisure activities form relationship. People of the same race, gender, age, and social background are likely to form a relationship. Person who are either similar â€Å"birds of the same feather flocks together†or that â€Å"opposites attract†forms a relationship. Physical attractiveness is also an important factor in formation of relationship, when we first meet someone their physical appearance is the first thing that will strike us before anything else. Jade’s date didn’t work out for her because as I have said above, her date didn’t have any of the factors. He faked his photo, his description and his job so Jade and his date had nothing in common basically. TAQ 6 (235 words) The main assumption of the social exchange theory (SET) is that individuals try to maximise their rewards; affection and attention and reduce their costs; time and effort. SET helps us understand the cost and rewards of relationships and it helps us predict how to keep and sustain relationships. However, it also has some weaknesses, SET neglects culture context. SET is based on a reward concept but not all cultures seek for a reward in a relationship. SET makes people seems individualistic and a reward seeking. Equity theory extends the SET, it takes into account that rewards need to be proportionate, this is based in the assumption that people expect that a relationship to be fair. People will feel satisfied if what they put into the relationship is comparable with what they get out of it. Aspects of equity theory were unable to predict whether a relationship will be maintained or break down. According to Balance theory we tend to be friends or to choose friends those people who help us maintain our balance view of the world. One simple advantage is that it recognizes that people sometimes notice inconsistent cognitions and that this inconsistency can lead to attitude change. It predicts how people will react to imbalanced and balanced situations. However, one consistent problem is that the predictions don’t work very well. Balance theory does not make any prediction about how imbalanced will be resolved. TAQ 7 (110 words) Mechanical failure is when two suitable people of goodwill and good nature grow apart, where communication may be poor or interactions go badly is the most common cause of relationship breakdown. Long term relationships often fail due to lack of common activities, as well as individual hobbies, interest and friends. If both partners do not grow equally one partner might feel that they are carrying the load. In Scenario 2 the youngest child is now completing his GCSE, couples shares responsibility in rearing their children and this is their common interest. Since their younger son is becoming less of their common interest, it can become a cause of the problem. TAQ 8 (219 words) Stages of Dissolution (Ducks Phase Model) Stage I The Intrapsychic phase Thinking about relationship in private, beginning to consider there is a problem in the relationship. Stage II The Dyadic phase The dissatisfaction is discussed. This is when the troubled partner confronts the other and tries to correct these problems. Stage III The Social phase At this point the decision is made by one or both partners to leave the relationship. The breakdown is made public. Stage IV The Grave Dressing phase A post-relationship view of the breakup is established; both of the partners go through self-justification; protecting self-esteem and rebuilding life towards new relationships. In 2006 Duck and Rollie added a fifth stage, Resurrection phase, when individual evaluate the relationship and attempting to re-instigate the relationship again. One of the strength of this model is that it gives some insight into possible techniques that can be used so that the relationship can be repaired. It also has face validity as it is an account of relationship breakdown that we can relate to our own and others experiences Brehm and Kassin (1996) sees the limitation of this study in that the women are more likely to stress unhappiness and incompatibility as reasons for breakup while men blame lack of sex suggesting gender differences that the model does not consider. TAQ 9 (93 words) Love relationships are one of the greatest sources of happiness and meaning for every human being. Even the strongest relationships get off track sometimes because of the stresses of daily living, and mismatch expectations. The HEAL (Hear-Empathize-Act-Love) technique to repair damaged relationships by replacing defensive self-protection with compassionate presence and loving connection (Greenberg, M., 2013). Hear – to listen to your partner, stay present and be there. Empathize – allow your partner’s experience deeply affect you, share the feelings. Act address the concerns and show willingness to change. Love – feel and express unconditional love. References Asch, (1946) as cited in Date last accessed: 22 January 2015 Brehm and Kassin (1996) as cited in DLcentre workbook Module 6 Social Interaction Level 3. Cowan Curtis, 1994 as cited in Date last accessed: 26 Feb 2015 Cozzarelli, Wilkinson, Tagler, 2001 as cited in Date last accessed: 26 Feb 2015 Eysenc, M. (2002). Simply Psychology. [Online]. 2nd Edition. East Sussex: Psychology Press. Accessed 22 January 2015. Available at: Greenberg, M., 2013. Four Steps to Relationship Repair With The H-E-A-L Technique. [online]. Available at: Accessed: 12 February 2015 Heider (1944) as cited in Kelley, H. and L. Michela, J. Attribution Theory and Research. [online]. Available at: Accessed: 19 March 2015 Kruglanski, 1977 as cited in DLCentre Ltd., 2009/11 Module 6. Social Interaction level 3 Lerner, 1980; Montada Lerner, 1998 as cited in Date last accessed: 26 Feb 2015 Malle, B.F., 2003. Attributions as Behavior Explanations: Toward a New Theory. [Online]. Available at: Accessed: 09 February 2015 Michotte(1963) as cited in Payne, S and Walker, J. (1996). Psychology for Nurses and the Caring Profession. Philadelphia: Open University Press. Rosenberg et al, (1968) as cited in Date last accessed: 22 January 2015 Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) as cited in Payne, S and Walker, J. (1996). Psychology for Nurses and the Caring Profession. S. Nauts et al. Forming Impressions of Personality. [online]. Available at: Accessed: 25 February 2015 Tagler, 2001; Schuller, Smith, Olson, 1994 as cited in Date last accessed: 26 Feb 2015 Thibaut Riecken (1955) as cited in
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Term Limits: We Dont Need Career Politicians Essay -- Members of Cong
"Elections, especially of representatives and counselors, should be annual, there not being in the whole circle of the sciences a maxim more infallible than this, 'where annual elections end, there slavery begins.' These great men . . . should be [chosen] once a year  Like bubbles on the sea of matter bourn, they rise, they break, and to the sea return. This will teach them the great political virtues of humility, patience, and moderation, without which every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey." â€â€John Adams Government exists to serve the people, and not the politicians, American citizens know this. Polls show that Americans want term limitation by margins as high as three-to-one, even four-to-one. Congressional term limitation is the most important issue of our time because the future direction of our country depends upon it. There is no other way to restore government to, us, the people. There is no substitute for term limits. There are many second steps, depending upon where you sit, but there is only one first step toward turning the country around. It is con...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mass Media and Younger Generation
Abstract Entertainment has a significant influence on the people. The effects of entertainment can both be positive and negative. This influence of the entertainment industry has grown tremendously over the years. The influence can be greatly attributed to the advancement of technology. Entertainment is mostly through the media which includes; the television, magazines, newspapers, radio, and internet, among others. The influence of entertainment on the younger generation affects the way that they dress, talk, and act. This is because the current generation and society depends on entertainment as a form of communication and information.The society, therefore, turns to entertainment for the daily activities like education, health care, traveling, work, and personal relationships. This paper is going to look at the effects of entertainment on the younger generation. In addition, it is going to look at how entertainment affects the young generation in terms of their acts, the way they d ress, and talk. Introduction A nation like America is an example, of a country that has developed in terms of entertainment (Fisher 58). It is one of the countries that has got and has produced some of the greatest entertainers.The country is one of the leading producers of entertainment in the planet. In addition, it is one of the nations that there is a greater influence of entertainment on the younger generation. The effects of entertainment on the younger generation in America can be said to be both positive and negative. The influence is mostly on entertainment media such as television, radio, and the internet. The influence on the upcoming generation has affected their expression and vies on the culture of America. The influence is on how they talk, dress, and act on the society.This has been caused by the social media pressure that is sweeping through the country. These are the influences that entertainment has on the younger generation in the country. Entertainment The citiz ens of America depend on communication and information for their daily activities. These activities include; work, education, entertainment, traveling, personal relationships, and health care (Kearney and Crandall 89). The people use the newspapers or television to get news. They make phone calls, browse over the internet where possible to make decisions that re based on the information that they need and get. The decisions should be made depending on the values and beliefs that exist in the society. The younger generation, therefore, need to have facts and use experience when making certain decisions. The media are the place where most people get the latest and current facts and news on significant issues. Most of the younger generation, therefore, turns to the media which is a form of entertainment to get news and education. This in effect, has influence on the younger generation.The upcoming generation, gets influenced by the mass media and this in turn affects the way that they conduct themselves in the society. The influence works in several ways and can be caused also because of several reasons. This can be either positively, negatively, or even both. How the influence works The television is the common and most known form of entertainment that has got influence. The television exposes the upcoming generation to thousand of images. These images include; celebrities advertisement, violence, sex, among many others. The exposure to the younger generation is too high when considered in terms of years (Scott 9).The media should be responsible for the programs they air. They are the ones who should help in shaping the beliefs, values, and decisions that the upcoming generation makes. The companies that own the media are the ones who are in charge of entertainment movies, radio and television broadcasts. Moreover, they are the ones who authorize the programs, sports, and video entertainments. In addition, most of the companies that offer these services are also integrated in the wireless phones, telecommunications, music industry, electronic media, video game software, and more.Therefore, the companies should consider programs that nature cultural values and beliefs that do not have a negative influence on the upcoming generation. However, some companies have merged to shape the beliefs and opinions of the users. It is significant to consider what the younger generation is exposed to daily through the entertainment avenues. This calls for the other people in the society to be vigilant in protecting the values and beliefs of the country. They should look at the entertainment that is given from, different perspectives; as opposed to ho the media gives it.The advertisement done by the media is another exposure to the upcoming generation. Although, the media makes a lot of money from the advertisements, they have some negative influences to the younger generation. Many citizens are influenced, by the advertisements, and this makes them buy th e things that they are told that are good. Decisions are made from the advertisements that the citizens are exposed to daily. This is based on what is seen on the newspapers, magazines, or television. The product is deemed to be the best and most people make decisions based on what the media is propagation.This creates influence as people tend to trust the media. The same applies to the younger generation that is exposed to this form of entertainment. The effect and influence on the upcoming generation makes them buy what they watch over the televisions. This is mostly influenced by what they consider being their celebrities’ favorites. The upcoming generation will buy what favorite celebrity has advertised and what they deem to be acceptable in the society. This is based on the fashion that the media has created and imposed on the minds. The influences can be at times positive or negative.A positive example can be a sport that is getting media attention. Many of the younger generation will want to be identified with that sport. The popularity in the society and among the friends for the sport can make a youth be identified with the sport. This will make the upcoming generation start practicing for the sport with the idea that it is cool. The influence will turn out to be positive as the youth will become healthier from the exercise and have fun with friends. An example of a negative influence for the younger generation can be the use of cigars. This can be as a result of seeing a celebrity movie star using a cigar.In addition, the exposure to images with excessive violence, junk foods, and sex can influence the upcoming generations negatively. The upcoming generation is in a stage of life that needs some acceptance from the peers. They would like to feel loved and be successful in whatever they venture and try (White and Andsager 72). Therefore, the creation of the media of ideal images of beautiful women and handsome men as the real characteristics of successful people through television and movie influences the younger generation. This will make the upcoming generation want to look as the celebrity.They will copy the dressing styles so as to feel cool and successful like the images of the celebrities. The youth are, hence exposed to buying dresses and stuff that can make them look like the celebrities who are considered to be cool and successful. The influence of the entertainment industry has had an effect on the youth’s obesity and anorexia nature. Many upcoming generations in the country are fighting obesity. This is happening, while, they are exposed to most advertisements that carry junk food advertisements. The advertisements are there, yet, they give ideal images of successful people as wealthy and thin.The women are the ones who are mostly affected with this type of influence. They are so obsessed with loosing even in cases which they are not declared as obese. Many women are thin in the society as they want to r esemble and look like the thin celebrities, and super models that they see in the images, in the entertainment industry. The women, are, therefore, engaged in disorder eating habits that mostly lead to severe issues of health and in worse cases even death. Effects of violence in media Watching a movie or television exposes the upcoming generation to images of many people hurting others and violence.This type of exposure can have some influence on the upcoming generation. A person can easily become disturbed because of such exposure. This normally happens to the children who are exposed to this type of entertainment more and more each passing day. As the children grow, they begin shaping their personalities. This includes both beliefs and values. A child who is exposed to this form of entertainment can become very aggressive. In addition, these children can lose their sense of fiction and reality on what they are exposed in the movies and television.There are incidents and scenarios that have been reported of children carrying guns to school. Such kind of incidences where the children also hurt others can be attributed to the influence of the entertainment. This affects the cultural values and beliefs of such children. The behaviors of this type are associated with children who are mostly exposed to the excessive use of war images and violent video games (Coleman 112). The media using real war as a form of entertainment also exposes the upcoming generation to negative influences. The children need to be educated and informed, on the good forms of entertainment, to be watched.In addition, they need to be informed that the video games do not have winners or losers just as in the real war. Entertainment impact on society and the upcoming generation is significant. In addition, the influence of entertainment on public opinion cannot be ignored. The entertainment forms can change the public opinion of the upcoming generation in different ways. This depends on the ob jective of the form of entertainment. Television as one of the greatest discoveries of all times has so much influence on the upcoming generation. Television can be used for many purposes. This depends on the choice of the individual that uses the device.This can be used for entertainment purposes, like; watching music or soap. The shows that they youths are exposed to when watching television have created so many controversies. This is because of the influence that they have on the younger generations (Petley and Barker 34). The television has both advantageous and adverse effects on the youth. This will depend on what the viewer sees. This explains why the entertainment shows that are aired are full of controversies. Most of the shows are just on dates and celebrities. These types of shows are what influences the future generation that includes the children and youth.Most of the influences unfortunately are not positive. Studies indicate that there is a trend that is coming up whe re most shows are just for publicity purposes. This makes the youth find themselves easily influenced to be part of the shows to feel cool. The shows that help in increasing learning processes on the youth receive little publicity. These are the shows that can help the youth to nature good moral values and beliefs (Desilet 109). The television promotes entertainment and education. However, it is an individual’s responsibility to derive what he wants from the shows.Most young people are corrupted in the minds by the entertainment forms that they see. The youth fall prey to the many of the misleading advertisements in place. They get confused by asking on the celebrities that are being advertised. Furthermore, they get manipulated in their thinking. This makes them think of violence and criminal things. The more the youth is exposed to the entertainments the more they get influenced to the message that they get. Their social and cultural behavior is affected by the entertainmen t. The children are exposed to the negative influence of entertainment as parents are not there to control them.Some parents work till late and when they get home they are too tired to help the children in activities. They get glued to the television plus their children. Upcoming generation feels confident and they do what they feel like. In addition, visual effects normally lasts long on a person and this can leave some adverse effects to such an exposed victim. The advancement of technology has made things worse. Most of the television stations relay their programs through the satellite. This has left the parents with no control on the programs watched, and, therefore, the children remain exposed to indecent entertainment forms.The youth has also taken advantage of the same. They use the entertainment field to get knowledge and information from the television. Most of the young generation normally watches programs that are mostly entertaining. No wonder, television is considered a s a source of entertainment instead of a source of knowledge. This is the reason as to why television has to a great extent adversely affected the upcoming generation. Many youths have favorite celebrities that they look up to, as role models in their lives. This makes them to look for them in the movies or magazines. The reason behind this is to get the latest fashion trends or air styles.The youths look, on the magazines, to see what the celebrities have and the scope of the new trends that are considered hot. The entertainment industry is constantly changing perceptions of the youth. This changes the perception of who they are and what they think of themselves. In addition, the entertainment industry is what can be attributed to the changing trends in cultural ways. Most people look at the celebrities and entirely change their own ideals and views so as to mach what is considered to be perfection. The youth wants to be associated with money, ideal cars, and careers. The simple th ings in life are becoming less appreciated.This happens as people tend to look up for those with more wealth. They compare their lives with such people. The youth wants something bigger and something more. This is what makes entertainment have a constant impact on the societal trends. It is the aspects of the entertainment industry that makes the youth know how much they are rich and how famous they need to be in life. The constant advertisements, magazine covers, and other entertainment forms are what overwhelm the society. Moreover, the entertainment industry is what is responsible for most of the upcoming generations changing trends and perceptions on culture and the way of life.The shows that are aired make the youth look at their own lives. This makes them feel the need to do something different. Divorce is also becoming common in the society. The trend is mostly seen in celebrity couples. Cases of the celebs getting divorced are there every day. This has made it like a routine to those who are also in the media industry. The divorce cases are publicized in the media as something normal and good in the society. This has made the youth look at divorce as something that is insignificant. The society has also not carried any negativity on divorce of late. People run to marriages instead of dating.This whole situation has been created by the celebs. The celebrity couples have made divorce a trend. Moreover, the celebs have made the meaning of divorce be of less meaning and look like normal in the society. This trend has caused the youth to follow suit. The entertainment industry can be said to be the reason behind the change of perception and trend of divorce. The youth has been influenced, by the entertainment industry, to do cosmetic surgery. The trend has already swept through the society and is common with people who want to look like celebs or be more beautiful. There are shows in the television programs like DR. 20210 that have made plastic surgery be t he in thing (Durham 120). The shows make the youth want to look like the celebrities. They do this by trying to transform them to look like celebrities. They give them the different cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures that exist. The message passed is that a person in his own identity is not handsome and good. The trend encourages the youth to try plastic surgery in order to have perfect bodies. Therefore, the reason of not having a perfect look is not there as there is the option of cosmetic surgery. This has made the celebrities, to, also, have plastic surgeries to enhance their appearance.This is done with the belief that it will help in carriers, but, the youth just emulate the trend for the sake of it. The trend has made many youth to lack self fulfillment as they feel they are not good looking or good enough. Conclusion The entertainment industry has both positive and negative influence on the youth, but, it is not entirely bad. The negative effects and influences that the industry has, on the upcoming generation need, to be changed and recognized. This can help the youth so that their minds are not that clouded with the celebrity perfection ideas.The youth need to be educated and informed on the need for self confidence and self fulfillment as they are fundamental to true happiness in life. These traits are hard to attain for the youth because of entertainment and media industry. The industries are constantly showing and sending messages to viewers on the definition of perfection. This makes it hard for many of the youths to be contented and happy with their personalities and looks. The youth should stop to look for celebrities, movies, and television shows, for ideal and perfect life.The obsession created by the entertainment industry influences the youth’s way of life. They change the way they dress, walk, and even act. The entertainment industry will continue to have effects and influences on youth and societal trends. The influences shoul d be worked on, to make them have positive effects on society and society as a whole. This can involve the transformation of the celebrities, actors, and models in the entertainment industry. The effect can be huge and tremendous on the upcoming generation and society. The changing trends in societal beliefs and values can be influenced to be positive ones on the youth.Things can be better when the effects of the entertainment industry lean more towards the positive influences than the negative influences on the youth. This can be done knowing very well that America is one of the leading producers of entertainment and as such it is a significant component in influencing the behavior of the younger generation. The entertainment industry has influences on the upcoming generation views and expression of culture. This is depicted by the way that they talk, dress, and act on society through social media pressure in the country.You can get a custom research paper[->0] on this topic at Ess ayLib. com. Feel free to buy your paper written from scratch! Â ·Tags: entertainment research paper[->1], essay on entertainment[->2], research paper on social media[->3], social media essay[->4] Comments are closed. [->0] – http://www. essaylib. com/research-paper. php [->1] – http://www. essaylib. com/blog/tag/entertainment-research-paper [->2] – http://www. essaylib. com/blog/tag/essay-on-entertainment [->3] – http://www. essaylib. com/blog/tag/research-paper-on-social-media [->4] – http://www. essaylib. com/blog/tag/social-media-essay
Friday, November 8, 2019
Mark Twain The Lowest Animal
Mark Twain The Lowest Animal Introduction Different authors have different methodologies and techniques in which they present their literary work so that it presents their ideas to readers in the best way possible. Literature techniques are signatures that differentiate between writers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mark Twain â€Å"The Lowest Animal†specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mark Twain is one of the literary giants who has done so much literature work that is identifiable through his literary techniques. One of his greatest literary works â€Å"Man the Lowest Animal†and reflects his writing style and techniques. This paper presents a critical analysis of his work on â€Å"Man the Lowest Animal.†â€Å"Man the Lowest Animal†Having lived in the 18th century, Twain must have encountered worst-case scenarios of the cruelty of humankind as he tried many ventures in life. His life is centered on significant and influential people although he did not achieve much wealth status. Despite being a great writer, he is observant of nature and humanity. Arguably, his life inspired his writing style and technique. Mark Twain uses the overgeneralization of human versus animal existence. He begins his argument by pointing out to a specific unique scenario or example and then goes on to make it look general to the whole world at large. For instance, he describes the charming sport where hunters kill 72 buffalos to entertain the English earl. They eat a part of one buffalo and let the others rot. He relates this to anaconda that only kills for survival and even then, it cannot kill more than what is necessary for survival. He uses the overgeneralization technique to make this particular situation to represent universal conditions. This approach is undoubtedly biased on one side, and as such, the literature work might not appeal to readers who prefer neutrality and thought consciousness. Twain arguably uses a one-sided approach to reality on the ground. Surprisingly nowhere in the whole article does he give credit to the human race despite there being so many people who ardently support the course of humanity. All his literature work is filled with episodes of the worst things that human beings do such as killing for pleasure, racism, slavery, and cruelty. He fails to acknowledge the other side of human nature that makes him custodian for the world. He does not even give hope for mankind regarding his position as presented in the article but places him on a defenseless corner.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Sarcasm and irony define Twain’s technique on â€Å"Man, the Lowest Animal.†The whole article is a twist of the irony of life. He uses this technique to drive his theme of morality home. The article’s opening remarks are full of sarcasm . â€Å"Did today’s newspaper contain a headline about people (Irish, Lebanese, Chilean) fighting somewhere in the world? Most likely, it did†(Twain 2). He tries to appeal to the reader to take sides using sarcastic language from the word go, and he surely maintains this for the rest of his article. Anaconda-earl analogy, ant-man example, and zoo experiment are all examples of how he uses sarcasm to sell his theme. His work is full of irony in that man is the Supreme Being who has the ultimate authority to shape nature in the way he deems best. Despite all claims against man as the lowest animal, he has revolutionized the world to its present status. Undeniably, Twain hits the nail on the head by touching on most sensitive and sentimental aspects of human nature. He dedicates last few paragraphs running on fundamentals of human existence to strengthen his argument. He attacks man’s freedom by claiming he is the only slave, conscience by claiming that he is the unconscious animal and finally challenges the same religion that brings men together. For instance, he argues that, though cats have loose morals, they are safely judged since they have no conscience. Man, on the other hand, exhibits the same characteristics but cannot be excused since he has a conscience. Men kill, fight, and do brutal things for fun. Animals do not kill for fun, but men have made killing fellow men the source of entertainment and satisfaction. By making such an attack, he easily buys the reader to his idea. Finally, Twain uses social criticism throughout his work by challenging the moral status of mankind. Indeed his strongest sentiment comes out when he argues that man is seen as the only reasoning animal. However, by a measure of his acts compared to all other animals, he is the unreasoning animal. All his acts of cruelty, brutality, and slavery can only make him come out as the unreasoning animal. By all standards, he ranks bottom (Twain 2). Conclusion Mark Twa in is undeniably a genius. Through the use of different literary techniques and methodology, he is able to sell his theme and make the reader agree with his idea. He uses social criticism, irony, and sarcasm, overgeneralization, directness as well as one-sided approach to convey his message on this article. Though he fails on some aspects, his literature work comes out convincing and worth contemplating on. Twain, Mark. Mark Twains book of animals. California: University of California Press, 2010.Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mark Twain â€Å"The Lowest Animal†specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
St. Dominic essays
St. Dominic essays Dominic de Guzman was born in Calarago, Spain, in 1170. His parents were Joan of Anza and Felix de Guzman. Before his mother conceived him, she saw in a vision that a dog with a burning torch in its mouth would come forth from her womb and set the world aflame. At his baptism, his grandmother saw a star on his forehead. As a student, he sold his books to feed the poor in a famine, and offered himself in ransom for a slave. At the age of twenty-five he became superior of the Canons Regular of Osma, and accompanied his Bishop to France. There the ravages of the Albigensian heresy broke his heart, and his life was from now on devoted to the conversion of heretics and the defense of his faith. For this end he established his threefold religious Order. The convent for nuns was founded first, to rescue young girls from heresy and crime. Then a company of apostolic men gathered around him, and became the Order of Friar Preachers. Lastly came the Tertiaries, persons of both sexes living in the world. God blessed the new Order, and France, Italy, Spain, and England welcomed the Preaching Friars. Our Lady took them under her special protection, and whispered to St. Dominic as he preached. It was in 1208, while St. Dominic knelt in the little chapel of Notre Dame de la Prouille and prayed to the Mother of God to save the Church, Mary appeared to him, gave him the Rosary, and bade him go forth and preach. He revived the courage of the Catholic troops, led them to victory against overwhelming numbers, and finally crushed the heresy. His nights were spent in prayer; and, though pure as a virgin, thrice before morning broke, he scourged himself to blood. His words rescued many souls, and three times raised the dead to life. At length, on August 6, 1221, at the age of 51, Dominic de Guzman died. One symbol of his life is the star. Again, by his life and preaching, Dominic became a beacon light, guiding souls to Christ. In his s...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Environmental & Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Environmental & Social Change - Essay Example Skeptics of global warming are especially prominent in the US that explains the reason why the country did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, since the signing, the US has increased emissions by 20% with Europe reducing emissions by 2%. An answer to this is to be found through a combination of scientific understanding of global warming and interesting ideas in sociology. Global warming is a result of the inability by Americans to deal with the individualistic consumer culture, as well as the lag time present between emission and the production of global warming, which takes approximately 50 years. The US society is in the throes of individualism and consumerism that makes it difficult to accept or grasp that going for bigger cars and houses, â€Å"better food†, and frequent flights are an irresponsibility that has huge ramifications. Culture, inevitably, is always lagging behind reality that is always changing in the economic, social, and environmental environments (Art 33). This leads to increased difficulty that weakens the capability of the political system in dealing with the issues. The US culture is behind the scientific understanding and knowledge of the country’s environment. The individual’s culture involves an uncomfortable mix of doxa, habitus, and field (Art 34). The three components are interactive in a manner that perpetuates cultural behavior and assumptions even when there are changing realities, which often result in people acting in a way that is not in their best interest. Field can be defined as the intellectual or social arena where individuals spend their active hours; for example, their job, their social group, their profession, or their intellectual profession (Art 44). For the youth, the field is usually their schools. The field, in sum, is constitutive of the realities that govern one’s daily existence where the focus is on the efforts
Friday, November 1, 2019
Thunder Heart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Thunder Heart - Essay Example Graham Greene, a tribal police officer, challenges the roots and attitudes of the FBI agent. The story in the film revolves around Ray Levoi, an FBI agent of mixed blood venturing in South Dakota to investigate a murder case (Edwards 22). In the process, Ray finds his Indian identity. While on his mission to solve a murder case, Ray discovers that it was an extra-judicial killing because of a scheme surrounding the mining of uranium. Henceforth, he teams up with Walter Crow Horse, a tribal police officer, and Grandpa Sam Reaches, a traditional elder. The three unite with aim of stopping the plot and conserving the environment. Throughout the film, various depictions of Native Americans take place. The depiction is a fundamental difference from the presentation by other films produced before Thunder Heart. The director sets the film in contemporary times as opposed to most films set in a changeless Indian past. Native actors also play roles designated for them with the exception of the starring character. It adds to the revelation identity in Thunder Heart. The producer uses Grandpa Reaches, Crow, Jimmy Looks Twice, and Maggie Eagle Bear to strengthen the manifestation of the Indian Identity. All the characters show substance in revealing the identity of Native Americans (Indians) in the American society. Generally, the producer and director succeed in depicting Native Americans as dynamic and complex entities. With all the humour shown by characters, they still possess familiar stereotypes associated with Indians. The film displays the relationship between Indians and whites in the US society in an exceptional manner. In so doing, Thunderheart makes the main character half-white and half Indian (Edward 19). The protagonist lives his entire life in a white-dominated society, goes on a job mission in his ancestral land (land of birth for his ancestors), and discovers his identity while on duty.
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