Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Walt Disney World versus Disney Land
It is every child’s dream to explore a grand and mysterious castle, to experience flying with the fairy tale characters we knew when we were younger, and to witness fireworks display even if it’s not Christmas or New Year. It is a child’s dream to live his/her life in a world where carpets can fly and life’s worries would be about rescuing a princess from the fierce dragon or from her evil stepmother. A stressed adult can be a carefree child again if he/she enters the wonderful and enchanting worlds of Mr.Walt Disney: his very own Disney Land in California and Disney World in Florida. Mr. Walt Disney has been a kid himself all his life as we see his works through these two delightful and captivating amusement parks. He wanted to create a family park where the adults can bring their kids and enjoy their time together. He wanted a family park where every individual would go for regardless their age. A day of wandering around to explore these parks wholly is impossible (Bennett). Disneyland is built on a 300 acre lot in Anaheim, California.It has five major theme parks: Main Street, U. S. A. , Adventureland, Frontierland, Fantasyland, and Tomorrowland. As regards lodging, the surround areas of Disneyland quickly became urbanized. Subdivisions were built and hotels were everywhere. The Disney Hotel was, as a matter of fact, not owned by the Disney Company not until the 1990s. Means of transportation as one wanders around are by bus, by train, by privately owned vehicles, or on foot (J&M). On the other hand, Disney World is constructed on a 30,000 acre area in Orlando, Florida.Like Disneyland, it also has the five theme parks mentioned earlier but with more themes and bigger of almost everything – streets, Main Street buildings, and castle to name a few. And as posted by J&M at Helpful Disney World Articles, the added themes include EPCOT, Disney’s MGM Studios, Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Typhoon Lagoon, and Blizzard Bea ch. The last two themes mentioned are actually water park themes. Please take note that the audience can see live animals with their make-up natural inhabitant in the Disney’s Animal Kingdom.However, it must be noted that it is not a zoo. One advantage of Disney World is the hotel availability within the confines of the said park which are said to be themed too (Perkis). Moving from one park to another would not be a problem because the monorail of Disney World can actually take you anywhere at any time. It is more convenient for those who do not have private vehicles. Coming to Disney World by ferry ride is also available (Huffman). Here are some things that I have concluded from these comparisons.First, these two Disney theme parks are created differently from each other. Disney World shouldn’t be exactly like Disneyland because no sisters are alike. Furthermore, comparison of the two would somehow be inappropriate. Mr. Walt Disney contributed in the construction of Disneyland while he was still alive. Disney World is also Mr. Walt Disney’s dream. Unfortunately, he died even before its construction in 1964, so his brother, Roy Disney, delayed his retirement and worked on Mr. Walt’s Disney World.In other words, there is a personal touch to Anaheim’s Disneyland. Second, the space of the two is incomparable. Of course, one could do bigger and remarkable structures of almost everything because of the land area. Nevertheless we should remember that not because it’s bigger, it’s better. Anaheim’s Disneyland and Florida’s Disney World have their own ups and downs. If one has very limited time, Disneyland would be the place to be. If time is not a constrain, visiting the bigger park first would do no harm.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Music And Fine Arts Education Essay
â€Å" If Music and Fine Humanistic disciplines are non elements in instruction as a nucleus topic, so much of what we know as civilisation has been a error †( Harvey, 2002 ) ! Curricular integrating has become an progressively of import constituent for many school reform enterprises, peculiarly at the simple school degree ( Barry, 2008 ) . Why is this so? This is because many of the simple schools and some high schools have encounter jobs with pupils accomplishing acquisition and doing Adequate Yearly Progress, a statewide school study card system. Presently, the state is implementing national statute law designed to learn every kid to read, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 ( U.S. Department of Education, 2002 ) . Harmonizing to Darrow ( 2008 ) the thaumaturgy of music can lure a kid to pattern assorted reading related undertakings, frequently without the kid even being cognizant of the acquisition. In Elementary school pupils nationwide it can be found that the pupils a re falling short in accomplishing both reading and math literacy. Therefore, music is believed to be the first of the multiple intelligences that becomes functional in a kid ( Lee, 2007 ) . In a survey performed by Rauscher, Shaw and Ky ( 1995 ) , they found that listening to complex music helped to promote tonss on a coincident trial of spacial logical thinking. A figure of research workers have found that music can and does act upon the acquisition of nucleus topics. Some of the surveies revealed that although holding music in the background while analyzing did non deflect the acquisition but had neither a negative consequence every bit good. Other research workers have found that music is motivational in larning across the course of study. Harmonizing to Tucker ( 1981 ) , he reported that utilizing music in learning reading may heighten motive and abilities of kids, whether or non they are musically talented or intellectually above norm. Yet, another research worker found that popular music benefited pupils in that the reading of wordss of the vocals inspired in-between school pupils to encompass reading in a positive manner ( Cohen-Taylor, 1981 ) . But today one may happen many of the pupils listening to Rap music. Because of their acquaintance with the beats of blame, one can merely conceive of the power of motive to present the pupils to beautiful poesy and of outstanding poets. And if this is true for the reader, one can merely visualize what influences it can hold in larning Math and other topics. Since more pedagogues are going more cognizant of the many facets of how music integrating can heighten academic acquisition they are get downing to research its many possibilities. Harmonizing to Gullatt ( 2008 ) art instructors and non-content instructors should be given clip to be after together to guarantee that the integrating of the humanistic disciplines into the schoolroom is successful and meaningful to the pupils.Problem StatementsMusic is a powerful tool and resource that can be used for implementing larning schemes in the schoolroom today. Many instructors believe they are non qualified to learn a figure of related musical thoughts in their regular schoolroom scenes. Harmonizing to Bro gla-Krupke ( 2003 ) music plays a important function in schools today ; nevertheless, musical activities that have no focal point, except to entertain pupils, fail to utilize music as an built-in constituent in the instruction of schoolroom faculty members. Harmonizing to Barry ( 2008 ) a concern and booby trap of holding good intending efforts to implement art integrating may ensue in being a utile tool for learning other academic topics, but the value of music instruction wholly disregarded. Music Specialist may be found entertaining the pupils and non experience comfy learning outside their countries of subjects when it comes to incorporating music with other topics. Over the past decennary there has been an increasing guess about the possible cognitive and academic benefits of music for kids ‘s development today ( A?rnA?ec, Wilson, & A ; Prior, 2006 ) . This is because the new developments in music integrating has created an involvement among parents, pedagogues, decision makers and politicians likewise, as to its recent research surveies and possibilities of heightening and increasing learning accomplishment. The No Child Left Behind ( NCLB ) Act of 2001 has created a great argument among pedagogues, politicians, and the public sing the ability of music integrating to better the quality of instruction for the state ‘s young person and make academically achieving pupils ( Spohn, 2008 ) . Whereas, research workers Gouzouasis, Guhn, and Kishor, ( 2007 ) discusses really small research has been conducted and found to analyze the relationship between accomplishment in music and accomplishment in nucleus academic classs. Therefore, Does Music Integration enhances Academic Learning?Purpose for Literature ReviewThe intent of this literature reappraisal is to garner clear apprehension of related subjects for music integrating and academic acquisition. Hopefully in sharing and analyzing the current researched literature reappraisals, the theories, treatments and concerns that prevarication within the kingdom of instruction for music integrating in cross course of study acquisition will be cla rified for future research. In this reappraisal one will happen related stuffs that support theories of spacial logical thinking, how pedagogues feel about learning incorporate topics, and research facts and surveies that examines the different instructional methods used and consequences from music integrating and academic acquisition for K – 12 schoolroom scholars. This literature reappraisal will show current research for its readers on schemes and methods used that have been researched utilizing music integrating. These research surveies range from incorporating with Math, Reading and Foreign Language scholars and other nucleus topics that has been tested and proven to better academic acquisition. By looking at current research reappraisal, this allows the reader to garner information that may or may non back up the benefits of music integrating in the regular schoolroom. Other research workers like Brogla-Krupke ( 2003 ) province the music course of study in the instruction of kids integrated in the school ‘s academic countries have been found to be promoting. In the undermentioned literature reviews one will happen brief treatments on the surveies and research presented to back up the benefits of music integrating and how betterment in the accomplishment of academic acquisition was successfully obtained. The Arts Integration schemes p rovide chances to include multicultural positions in the course of study, and to associate a school with the larger community ( Martorelli, 1992, p. 44 ) . The writer of this literature reappraisal wants to show relevant information for future research probe on the subject of music integrating and academic acquisition. So what functions and benefits come from music integrating?Functions and Benefits of Music IntegrationLong before the academic effects of arts-based became a focal point of public attending, a widespread belief existed that art experiences contribute to single moral and emotional development ( Brouillette, 2010 ) . Research in the humanistic disciplines and encephalon development have found related connexions in the countries of music, dance, ocular humanistic disciplines and theatre in assisting pupils become focal point and more attentive while larning. What is Music Integration? Although there are many definitions it can be merely defined as music blended with anot her topic of larning country. Harmonizing to Lim and Chung ( 2008 ) Integration humanistic disciplines instruction, of which music instruction is a portion, is low-level to other intents: bettering expressive ability and developing creativeness and communicating. The All right Humanistic disciplines are defined by Gouzouasis, Guhn, and Kishor, ( 2007 ) as dance, play, music and ocular humanistic disciplines, which are identified as the nucleus topics. Music has been associated with feelings of being safe, accepting and trusty relationship and, as such, can be a replacement for relationships ( Laiho, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Barry ( 2008 ) he describes integrating as a two manner theoretical account in which music and other capable countries are included and honored in a meaningful that provides a rich, comprehensive acquisition experience that cross cultural and single differences, ensuing in a productive and motivative experience for scholars and for instructors. Why music? Harmonizing to Wiggins ( 2007 ) based upon the ideas of specializers in the field of music and literacy, the integrating of music into literacy learning scenes may help in linguistic communication development while advancing musical development at the same clip. Music is all around us. Music influences our feelings and emotions, makes us happy or sad or prepares us for a jubilation of life or decease. Bing able to learn any topic with an integrating subject provides an chance to use what has been taught or learned. On the other manus Cheong-Clinch ( 2009 ) brings out the point that when it comes to immature people, merely listening to popular music can act upon their stripling demands. By this it merely means that it gives intending to the immature stripling ‘s mundane life when they are seeking to merely get by with mundane experiences. Music and Academic Learning Literature Reviews All of the undermentioned articles have been researched and written within the past five old ages. In continuing to look into the strengths and the failings, and comparing the similarities and differences of methods and the doctrines, one will happen that all of these research writers may hold that music has some signifier of benefits when incorporating with other academic course of studies. Harmonizing to Regelski ( 2009 ) the failure of music instruction as practice to do a matter-of-fact difference for persons and society that is noticeable and noteworthy therefore creates a â€Å" legitimation crisis. †This merely means that the claims on music presented within the schools have really small influence on the effects and benefits that many claims are weakened. Although music is available for listening, people do non merely profit from listening to music and happen this to be valuable but most people attend concerts, operas and engage in the acquisition and pattern of music are found to be ordinary common people ( Peterson & A ; Kern, 1996 ) . However, the philosophy of Classical music ‘s liberty from life its contemplation apart from day-to-day life at rare and reserved times, peculiarly in concert halls and the similar ( Regelski, 2004 p. 133-89 ) creates a spread between it and the music of mundane life where, as mentioned earlier, ‘appreciation ‘ is seen through empirical observation in the utilizations or maps served by music of any sort ( or, of many sorts ) in the life well-lived. Given the noncritical belief in the demand to understand before one can properly contemplate and appreciate good music traditional instruction methods and stuffs used in the music categories are therefore predicated on a construction of the subject course of study theoretical account that teaches the elements of music constructs and other proficient footings, and background information from music history, theory, and literature is someway believed contributes to properly inform and develops appreciative hearers ( Regelski , 2004 ) . The doctrine behind this is that people learn through their experiences. Good learning cleverly involves pupils experientially in musical job work outing at novitiate degrees and in ways that promote ongoing paraxial cognition and accomplishment ( Regelski, 2004, p. 76 ) . In looking at the relationship of music and personal societal demands music a can be concluded as being of value and profitable to larning. Writers Heilig, Cole, and Aguilar ( 2010 ) discourse the historical development and degeneration of ocular humanistic disciplines instruction from Dewey ‘s progressive epoch teaching method. As this is read one will happen policies that focus on humanistic disciplines integrating and how the talk of incorporating more with nucleus topics. Policy considerations are offered for humanistic disciplines instruction and its hereafter standing within the public educational course of study ( Heilig, Cole, & A ; Aguilar 2010 ) . This might be problematic with the No Child Left Behind Act 2001 wants to concentrate merely on Reading and Math. The writer and research Gruhn ( 2006 ) takes a different attack to looking at why one should see a new foundation for teaching and understanding music. He agrees that the societal impact is an of import piece in schools today and that they play a valid portion in the acquisition environments. School ever reflects fluctuations in society caused by the cultural diverseness created by in-migration ( Gruhn, 2006 ) . Because of the societal issues within schools Gruhn ( 2006 ) feels the demand to reform that of music instruction in the schools. This poses the inquiry what is music? Music being categorized as a noun, harmonizing to the research workers Adorno ( 1970 ) , Eggebrecht ( 1995 ) , and Molienhauer ( 1990 ) defines music as immaterial and traditionally, it has been described as an aesthetic experience in the instrumentalist and the hearer that adds an incommensurable qualitative minute and gives music of import subjective qualities. The writer of this literature reappraisal goes on to state that music should be viewed, as have three parts. The three subdivisions identified music as a procedure that depending on the followers: 1 ) visual aspect in the class of history, 2 ) on the position of the hearer and 3 ) on the map of that music retains in cultural memory ( Gruhn, 2006 ) . His illustration of a choir pattern show that the choir member demands of the behaviours of a vocalist, in understanding that of cognizing the importance of warm ups, being able to execute assorted manners of music, being on clip and other countries. It is discussed how public pr esentation is cardinal to larning. Music is considered an action. Therefore, harmonizing to Gruhn ( 2006 ) so in music, excessively, moving musically in a communicative musical context manifests and farther develop musical apprehension. This is non like utilizing words but an look of non-musical thoughts when it comes to this type of apprehension. Harmonizing to Gruhn ( 2006 ) many civilizations do non hold common individualities, because there are a figure of musical plants people have non even heard of. A failing revealed by Livingstone and Bovill ( 2001 ) was that telecasting will replace reading and that digital media are already progressively of import: 80 per centum of kids have entree to a computing machine and the Internet. Before looking at an incorporate music instruction plan it is suggested that we look carefully at the music so that it does non go stereotype in presentation. From what we know today, so, we can non generalise that music enhances intelligence or causes long term benefits in academic accomplishment ( Gruhn, 2006, p. 13 ) . In our following research workers ‘ literature reappraisal by Darrow ( 2008 ) , the writer looks at music and literacy. He reflects on the issue that literacy is a concern of all pedagogues whether in the schoolroom as a non-specialist or humanistic disciplines specializers. It is widely believed that music acquisition, music reading, and music engagement enhance academic accomplishment, particularly reading and math ( Tucker, 1981 ) . This individual suggest that parallel accomplishments in music and reading include phonological consciousness, phonemic consciousness, sight word designation, orthographic consciousness, prompting system consciousness, and eloquence ( Darrow, 2008 ) . While the summarisation and comparing of accomplishments required for both literary reading and music reading make music and reading a natural tantrum, there is non yet a important sum of grounds to reap why or how this transportation of acquisition may happen ( Burtin, Horowitz, & A ; Abeles, 2000: Butzlaff, 2000 ) . In a recent survey, research workers found that a musically designed course of study assisted 2nd graders and pupils with specific larning disablements in reading to significantly better their accomplishments in word decryption and word cognition ( Register, Darrow, Standley, & A ; Swedberg, 2007 ) . Author Carmen Cheong-Clinch ( 2006 ) addresses the subject of how one can prosecute immature people in the academic utilizing the tool of music. She references the phase of adolescence as a clip immature people are detecting who they truly as they deal with much life alterations and challenges. Again, the inquiry comes up why music? The significance and importance of music to immature people seem to be correlated to their psychosocial development ( Laiho, 2004: Larson, 1995 ) . Harmonizing to Cheong-Clinch ( 2009 ) immature people can place with popular music. Many times immature people are found to be listening to music more so than watching telecasting. Other surveies performed by Cheong-Clinch ( 2006 ) , Standley and Hughes ( 1997 ) , Bygrave ( 1995 ) , and Wolfe and Hom ( 1993 ) back up the relationship between music activities and the development of larning procedures, reading, hearing and other general associated linguistic communication accomplishments. The methodological analysis used in this research took topographic point in two learning environments. One was specifically geared to serve immature immigrants who were in high school merely coming into the state and the other those who were found to be at hazard, because of drugs, behaviours and school dropouts. Based on the observations made by the writer Cheong-Clinch ( 2009 ) and the music healer while carry oning both plan, there was an indicant that the pupils made advancement in their societal and learning behaviours. Not merely did the plan aid in societal accomplishments but it besides showed to supply assurance for the pupils in their linguistic communication abilities through songwriting, vocalizing and the piquant conversations about their vocals ( Cheong-Clinch, 2009, p. 54 ) . The following reappraisal is an experimental survey written by Robert Legg ( 2009 ) the strengths and failing discussed here are centered the influence of music and linguistic communication acquisition. Although the Mozart consequence has been researched and studied before it is still bespeaking that music has a great influence on the accomplishment the kids can do. Cross curricular work of this kind was viewed as an first-class agencies of raising the profile of music amongst staff and pupils, and, it was hoped of promoting students to value vocalizing as a worthwhile, mundane activity ( Legg, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to Legg ( 2009 ) the tool used to prove the accomplishment of the topics was developed by the research worker in audience with the Modern Foreign Language section: it was used before the innovations started, as a pre-test, and afterwards, as post-test. The pupils were given 19 phrases to larn and fifteen proceedingss to finish their tests. The trial merely used a few inquiries and they were non the traditional standardize trial. Having more inquiries was thought by Legg ( 2009 ) would hold added more cogency to the research that was performed. Researcher Kelley ( 2009 ) discusses the importance of sing the acquisition of musical signifier. He states that Fink ‘s incorporate class design provides a manner to set hopeful theory into the world of pattern ( Kelley, 2009 ) . In a thesis reappraisal by Brogla -Krupke ( 2003 ) describes how the usage music schemes can be used to heighten and better academic acquisition. With Collins and Platz ( 2010 ) they approach their research from that of the humanistic disciplines and larning from the twenty-first century position. They discuss how the pupils are provided through the instruction of humanistic disciplines with fresh creativeness, chances for going critical thought and holding better apprehension of communicating while join forcesing with others. Yet other research workers like Moore and Ryan ( 2006 ) depict how an unconventional experiential schoolroom intercession gave rise to a assortment of larning penetrations and experiences for a group of direction pupils. The accent in this research was about the preparation the pupils received. The observations allowed these research workers to identity countries of larning that needed more preparation. The literature on educational development in general and on direction instruction in peculiar contains increasing calls for the debut of new inventions and active acquisition experience with formal schoolroom scenes ( Moore & A ; Ryan, 2010 ) . In fact, they argue that the under explored activities utilizing rhythm-involving music may merely assist to prosecute pupils in acquisition and acquisition accomplishments. The research survey treatment was on the high school degree of academic acquisition and accomplishment, every bit good as, the relationship with music engagement. Gullatt ( 2008 ) is similar in research to the research workers Gourouasis, Guhn and Kishor ( 2007 ) in that he excessively presents his literature reappraisal from the relationship between exposure to the humanistic disciplines and pupil accomplishment within the academic subjects but focuses more on the topic of math. He besides discusses the consequence of the economic system and how it has affected instruction with the budget cuts and its impact on the attending given to the humanistic disciplines as a significance for increasing acquisition. While research worker, Lee ( 2009 ) presents her survey from the point of view of the immature pupil larning English through the instruction of vocals and music activities. She feels music should be encouraged for all pupils ‘ acquisition. The motive for her survey was to assist them direct the natural behaviour into something more meaningful that will assist them understand the development of being intelligent through music ( Lee, 2009 ) . This literature reappraisal in, the writers look into how the significance of expressiveness through artistic experience, including music, physical motion, and ocular art, is reflected in the intents of Korean early childhood instruction, which aims at beef uping immature kids ‘s abilities and attitudes necessary for day-to-day life in the countries of physical, societal, emotional, cognitive, and linguistic communication development ( Kim 2005 ; Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development 1998 ) . Researchers Lim and Chung ( 2008 ) stated artistic look signifies non merely kids ‘s development of communicating through assorted art signifiers, but besides their development of creativeness through art activities. The national course of study provinces that â€Å" the immature kids have a better bid of showing their feelings and emotion through the assorted art forms-music, ocular humanistic disciplines, dance, motions, play than through verbal communicating †( Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development 1998, 86 ) . Integration is another factor for instructors to choose the vocals with limited aesthetic quality because the rubric and text are given precedence over the music ( Lim & A ; Chung, 2008 ) . We urge instructors to intercede the kids ‘s musical acquisition by back uping kids ‘s attempts. Lim ( 2005 ) suggested implementing the undermentioned conditions: ( a ) facilitates the mediation procedure with tools and interaction with other pe ople ; ( B ) survey a little repertory of music in-depth instead than many pieces of music ; ( degree Celsius ) build continuity between the musical activity scenes ; and ( vitamin D ) learn musical elements in relation to the musical whole.Researcher Brouillette ( 2010 ) discuses that in executing humanistic disciplines, the emotional component is frequently evident, whereas the emotional constituent of a ocular art lesson maynon be clearly identified. However, when looking at this facet of how the humanistic disciplines helps develop pupils socially, this writer believes that there is still a big spread in 1s understanding and cognition of how the interpersonal interaction of art activities affect the development of the kids ‘s societal books in interaction with equals. How does one travel about supplying support for or against the fact that humanistic disciplines, particularly music integrating enhance academic acquisition? Some of the undermentioned methods may assist in h appening replies. Harmonizing to Collins and Platz ( 2010 ) the scientific method and peer-review procedure that the research workers use to carry on their surveies strengthen the quality of the consequences.In looking at research workers Pearman and Friedman ( 2009 ) , they discuss that developing the ability to visualise and closely concentrate on and listening aided the pupils in many capable countries, besides linguistic communication humanistic disciplines and music. Listening to music choices were found to be valuable because it allowed the pupils to visualise the form of the music. Having the chance of sharing increased involvement in music direction and proved to be one of the most good additions of this undertaking ( Pearman, & A ; Friedman, 2009 ) . An experimental survey by research worker Robert Legg ( 2009 ) ventures out to discourse the strengths and failing of the influence of music and linguistic communication acquisition. Although the Mozart consequence has been studied and researched many times there is some treatment that listening to music has a great influence on the pupil ‘s accomplishment. Cross curricular work is viewed as an first-class agencies of raising music acquisition and acknowledgment amongst staff and pupils and found valuable in mundane life ( Legg, 2009 ) . A more recent illustration is a longitudinal 3-year survey of â€Å" Learning Through the Humanistic disciplines †( LTTA ) , a Canadian school broad humanistic disciplines instruction attack. This survey of more than 6,000 pupils and their parents, instructors, and principals revealed that 6th class LTTA pupils scored significantly higher on trials of calculation than pupils in control schools ( Smithrim & A ; Upitis, 2005 ) . The humanistic disciplines are frequently viewed as enrichment activities secondary to reading, composing, and math ( Rabkin & A ; Redmond, 2006 ) . However, if there are identifiable benefits and supports for the academic course of study within humanistic disciplines instruction, it is much easier to see the connexion and sweetening of the humanistic disciplines to learning and larning ( Gullatt, 2008 ) . Miller ( 2010 ) looks at the research of integrating from a qualitative survey with accent on the course of study and art public presentation. The research in this literature reappraisal looks at pupils in the integrating public presentation and the pupils ‘ apprehension of incorporate acquisition. The writers here argues that the pupils ‘ acquaintance with scholastic behaviours, understood by pupils as â€Å" making school, †impacted the pupils ‘ capacity to comprehend the coherence of the academic course of study and acknowledge the integrating of these behaviours and activities in the humanistic disciplines classs. Researcher Kelley ( 2009 ) discusses the importance of sing the acquisition of musical signifier. He states that Fink ‘s incorporate class design provides a manner to set hopeful theory into the world of pattern ( Kelley, 2009 ) . In a thesis reappraisal by Brogla -Krupke ( 2003 ) describes how the usage music schemes can be used to heighten and better academic acquisition. With Collins, and Platz ( 2010 ) they approach their research from that of the humanistic disciplines and larning from the twenty-first century position. They discuss how the pupils are provided through the instruction of humanistic disciplines with fresh creativeness, chances for going critical thought and holding better apprehension of communicating while join forcesing with others. Yet other research workers like Moore and Ryan ( 2006 ) depict how an unconventional experiential schoolroom intercession gave rise to a assortment of larning penetrations and experiences for a group of direction pupils. The accent in this research was about the preparation the pupils received. The observations allowed these research workers to identity countries of larning that needed more preparation. The literature on educational development in general and on direction instruction in peculiar contains increasing calls for the debut of new inventions and active acquisition experience with formal schoolroom scenes ( Moore & A ; Ryan, 2010 ) . In fact, they argue that the under explored activities utilizing rhythm-involving music may merely assist to prosecute pupils in acquisition and acquisition accomplishments. The research survey treatment was on the high school degree of academic acquisition and accomplishment, every bit good as, the relationship with music engagement. Gullatt ( 2008 ) is similar in research to the research workers Gourouasis, Guhn and Kishor ( 2007 ) in that he excessively presents his literature reappraisal from the relationship between exposure to the humanistic disciplines and pupil accomplishment within the academic subjects but focuses more on the topic of math. He besides discusses the consequence of the economic system and how it has affected instruction with the budget cuts and its impact on the attending given to the humanistic disciplines as a significance for increasing acquisition. While some worry about budgets others look at apparent fact of being held accountable. The research workers Mishook and Kornhaber ( 2006 ) expression at the answerability piece in the country of humanistic disciplines integrating. Although the humanistic disciplines have their ain subject country it is questionable as to what criterions they are being held accountable for? In this research the writers looks at the manner integrating is affected by the answerability. Harmonizing to Mishook and Kornhaber ( 2006 ) answerability and proving have caused frights in the community of humanistic disciplines instruction that schools will be required to put more clip and resources on the tried countries of the course of study, which include math and reading. The ground for this is because the No Child Left Behind ( NCLB ) 2001 Act has placed its concerns on the accomplishment of reading and math. Possibly this leaves one with a inquiry, should the humanistic disciplines be held accountable for what they teach even when it comes to integration? On the other manus, research workers like Diseth ( 2007 ) discusses and want to cognize more about Students ‘ rating and perceptual experience of the acquisition environment are considered to be of import forecasters of pupils ‘ attacks to larning. While Severiens, & A ; Wolff 2008 ) . These variables may besides account for discrepancy in academic result, such as in scrutiny classs, but old research has seldom included a comparing between all of these variables. This article investigates the factor construction of an stock list mensurating evaluation-perception of the acquisition environment. These factors were compared with tonss on the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students, and with the scrutiny classs of 248 undergraduate psychological science pupils. Exploratory factor analysis produced a measurement theoretical account consisting five evaluation-perception factors ( work load, presentation, perspective-integration, lector, and consequence ) . Structural equation patterning gave moderate supported to a theoretical account, in which evaluation-perception predicted pupils ‘ attacks to acquisition, which later predicted scrutiny classs. Hence, evaluation-perception affected scrutiny classs indirectly, via à ¢â‚¬Å" attacks to larning †. Additionally, the factor â€Å" workload-demands †contributed independently, as a forecaster of scrutiny classs, together with â€Å" surface †and â€Å" strategic †attacks to larning. These consequences, eventually, gave a footing for recommendations for course of study design and lecture. Kelley, B. C. ( 2009 Fink ‘s incorporate class design provides a manner to set hopeful theory into the world of pattern. The writer describes how this theoretical account helped him utilize more active acquisition experiences that non merely deepened pupils ‘ apprehension of musical signifiers but besides enabled pupils to creatively drama with those signifiers. [ ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR ] While research worker, Lee ( 2009 ) presents her survey from the point of view of the immature pupil larning English through the instruction of vocals and music activities. She feels music should be encouraged for all pupils ‘ acquisition. The motive for her survey was to assist them direct the natural behaviour into something more meaningful that will assist them understand the development of being intelligent through music ( Lee, 2009 ) . This literature reappraisal in, the writers look into how the significance of expressiveness through artistic experience, including music, physical motion, and ocular art, is reflected in the intents of Korean early childhood instruction, which aims at beef uping immature kids ‘s abilities and attitudes necessary for day-to-day life in the countries of physical, societal, emotional, cognitive, and linguistic communication development ( Kim 2005 ; Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development 1998 ) .The research worker Brouillette ( 2010 ) discuses that in executing humanistic disciplines, the emotional component is frequently evident, whereas the emotional constituent of a ocular art lesson maynon be clearly identified. Salcedo ( 2010 ) nevertheless, when looking at this facet of how the humanistic disciplines helps develop pupils socially, this writer believes that there is still a big spread in 1s understanding and cognition of how the interpersonal interaction of art activities affect the development of the kids ‘s societal books in interaction with equals. How does one travel about supplying support for or against the fact that humanistic disciplines, particularly music integrating enhance academic acquisition? Some of the undermentioned methods may assist in happening replies. Harmonizing to Collins and Platz ( 2010 ) the scientific method and peer-review procedure that the research workers us e to carry on their surveies strengthen the quality of the consequences. Evidence has suggested that music can better behavioural public presentation in several spheres, including intelligence ( Moreno, 2009 ) . So what are some of the theories behind the intent for music integrating?Theories Behind Music IntegrationAt the bend of the century, John Dewey was get downing his research at the University of Chicago, experimenting with a new attack to instruction that would go known as progressive instruction ( Goldblatt 2006 ) . Dewey ( 1938 ) theorized that kids need instruction that is reliable and allows them to turn mentally, physically, and socially by supplying chances to be originative, critical minds. â€Å" Many times instructors do non comprehend theory taught in instruction classs as peculiarly relevant to the world of learning. Theory is even sometimes seen as contrary to the demands and world of pattern. There exists in the heads of pupils hence, a disagreement between tea cher instruction and instructor pattern †( Dolloff, 2003, P.23 ) . The ruling theoretical model for analyzing kids and music is cognitive psychological science. ( Samuelsson, Carlsson, Olsson, Pramling, & A ; Wallerstedt, 2009 ) . Dewey ( 1938 ) theorized that kids need instruction that is reliable and allows them to turn mentally, physically, and socially by supplying chances to be originative, critical minds. Dewey believed that humanistic disciplines are so experience, and that entree to humanistic disciplines instruction opens procedures of enquiry that expand a kid ‘s perceptual experience of the universe and create locales for apprehension and action ( Goldblatt, 2006 ) . This article is structured in the undermentioned manner. First, we will reexamine the research literature on kids and music, poesy and dance. This reappraisal will clear up how our theoretical position differs from that of the bulk of old research in the field. Second, the theoretical model of developmental teaching method will be presented. We will clear up and represent those tools that are utile to analysts in the survey of kids ‘s acquisition and to instructors in easing kids ‘s acquisition. Third we will depict how we have worked in our undertaking. Following, we discuss how the frame- work of developmental teaching method and our empirical surveies may lend to kids are larning within the humanistic disciplines. The ruling theoretical model for analyzing kids and music is cognitive psychological science. All the theories connected to musical development involve non merely psychological research on the person ‘s behaviour and larning per Se, but besides the influence of contexts and societal dimensions ( Samuelsson, Carlsson, Olsson, Pramling, & A ; Wallerstedt, 2009 ) . In the well-known coiling theoretical account of musical development by Swanwick and Tillman ( 1986 ) musical thought embraces the four beds of stuffs, look, signifier and value for discoursing kids ‘s composings. Gardner ( 1990 ) reduced the development within the humanistic disciplines to three stairss: pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional. While other research workers like Brogla -Krupke ( 2003 ) discuss that emotional intelligence, and people accomplishments, the importance of non simply larning basic facts but how to utilize the information learned, and the necessity of detecting connexions between the subjects provide support for incorporating music in other academic countries. Because of the huge sum of attending and involvement in understanding the function of music integrating many have turn to look into findings by Howard Gardner Researchers Gardner and Hatch ( 1995 ) , theory of multiple believe that the intelligences prompted increased popular and academic involvement in the possible benefits of an interdisciplinary course of study by spread outing the definition of human intelligence beyond the traditional accent on reading, authorship, and mathematics, to include a assortment of rational competences: lingual, intelligence, musical intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spacial intelligence, bodily- kinesthetic intelligence and the personal intelligence. Researchers Rauscher and Shaw ( 1997 ) indicated that music could heighten spacial concluding ability. Dooley ( 2010 ) states that contrary to the old, simplistic impression that art and music are processed in the right hemisphere of the encephalon ; with linguistic communication and mathematics in the left, recent findings along with co-workers that music is distributed throughout the encephalon. Another theory discussed by Owens and Sweller ( 2008 ) were that of cognitive burden theory. Cognitive burden theory discussed by Clark, Nguyen, and Sweller ( 2006 ) and Sweller ( 1988, 2003 ) is an instructional theory which enables us to utilize the cognition of human cognitive architecture to help in the design of direction. What methods were used to garner informations and stoping consequences and giving lucidity on the procedure of these surveies?MethodsOne interesting survey qualitative survey examined the integrating of humanistic disciplines and academic course of study at a acting humanistic disciplines school by concentrating on the course of study as it is understood and perceived by the pupils ( Miller, Bender-Slack, & A ; Burroughs, 2010 ) .. This survey is alone in that it centered on five pupils at an arts magnet school that had a huge scope of art categories. Their findings showed that their pupils were non able to place what integrating was in relationship to the academic categories. Therefore, it validated that teacher-centered instructional and music schemes were used in the category work allowing the pupils to understand what they learned versus how they learned it which was besides reflected in their behaviours. Regelski ( 2002 ) discuses the method of direction being that of the traditional, where the focal point does non centered on what the pupil has learned or able to make through the learning direction. The attending is given more to the inside informations that were presented in the direction. Harmonizing to Regelski ( 2002 ) the chief curricular inquiry confronting â€Å" school music †pedagogues is whether it is â€Å" the music â€Å" that is to be served that perpetuated for its ain interest, or whether music in the sense of a conceptual class that includes many music ‘s and therefore, music instruction exist to function the assorted societal demands that conveying both into being in the first topographic point. A qualitative four-stage clip series survey was designed to measure the effectivity of an humanistic disciplines partnership class in presenting the integrated humanistic disciplines in teacher instruction revealed that the function of the humanistic discipl ines specializer was critical in heightening conserves instructor ‘s humanistic disciplines larning and assurance in learning the humanistic disciplines in their schoolroom ( Andrews, 2006 ) . In a more current survey by Andrews ( 2006 ) reevaluate the effectivity of humanistic disciplines partnership class in presenting the integrated humanistic disciplines in teacher instruction. The information gathered was by edifices and looking at the assorted facets of thoughts employed. The consequences found that the instructors valued observations and peer acquisition activities because it developed more assurance in learning art in their categories. An inters proving statement found was to operationally the integrating of theory and pattern, the writer developed an humanistic disciplines direction theoretical account ( AIM ) , in audience with the specializer arts instructors, to supply internal consistence to the humanistic disciplines instruction and larning across several subdivisions ( Andrews, 2006, p. 451 ) . The research by Owens and Sweller ( 2008 ) method involved seven male childs from a high school, runing in ages of 11 and 12, took portion in this undertaking. The ground they were chosen is because they had experienced some signifier of music outside of their school scene. This allowed those making the research to analyse the pupils ‘ understanding to finish the job they were evaluated on. The pupils were given five proceedingss entire to analyze and finish the job. A written trial given within another stage of the procedure that had 50 jobs was given 3 proceedingss to finish. The analysis of discrepancy ( ANOVA ) with extraneous planned contrasts was used for all stages to prove the primary theoretical anticipation that the instructionally efficient integrated and dual- mode conditions would turn out superior to the split-attention status ( Owens & A ; Sweller 2008 ) . This research was experimental. Lim and Chung ( 2008 ) researched method involved looking at the policy for early childhood. Interviews were held with the instructors, managers, and college professors. They besides visited schoolroom for Kindergartners and early childhood centres. Moore and Ryan ( 2006 ) method was different in that they conducted a workshop for 17 representatives. The usage of beating circles, or similar attacks to presenting music and beat, has the possible to increase instructors ‘ repertories of pedagogical techniques, and to make fresh, fulfilling larning experiences ( Moore & A ; Ryan, 2006 ) . The consequences of this experience was positive in that the drumming circles produced untapped larning for advancing pupils to show their feelings and emotions and give everyone an chance for holding a power of voice. The methodological analysis that Cheong-Clinch ( 2009 ) used her plans was with English talking pupils who were in high school. The first group of pupils accompanied school from a lower limit of six month to a full 12 months. The 2nd group differed in the sense ; these immature high school pupils The aims of the plans in both learning environments were similar: the primary aimed to increase self-esteem and self-expression, and to construct peer relationships, although merely the first plan aimed to better participant ‘s linguistic communication accomplishments. The first survey plan provided grounds that advancement was accomplished within five hebdomads. The method for this undertaking was composed of six kids grouped together in little ensemble groups for the survey observation. The pupils although grouped, had the played the same musical instruments. The instruments that was in each group consisted of a tambourine, a trigon, boness, and moderate-sized clang cymbals. The beat forms played by the pupils were played together with the same vocal forms. By being cognizant of and detecting the immature kids ‘s ability to concept and retrace their acquisition experiences, the instructor ‘s lesson is based on kids ‘s universal, additive, and ordered development ; hence, the kids ‘s musical experiences are limited to playing simple instruments ( Andrews, 2006 ) . The undertaking integrated humanistic disciplines by including ocular art, music, play, and motion for immature kids to As an incorporate humanistic disciplines instruction in partnership with music, ocular humanistic disciplines, dramas, and motion, early c hildhood music instruction fails to pull on cognitive and artistically ambitious facets of experience. Whereas, Brouillette ( 2010 ) looked at the impact arts integrating would hold on pupils in classs one through four socially. Interviews were conducted with the instructors to place what societal impact had occurred with utilizing art integrating. Harmonizing to Brouillette ( 2010 ) when asked about the nonacademic effects of humanistic disciplines integrating, instructors tended to get down with observations about how the humanistic disciplines lessons had affected the schoolroom civilization. There are some commonalties in the above mentioned methods of research. Although the processs may change, one can cognize that through quantitative and qualitative survey and research common forms are clearly identified in the research experiences. Although the methods varied in the above research one can see that most of the above methods were similar in garnering their informations. The methodological analysis that was consistent for these researches was composed of interviews, observations and based on some type of public presentation in measuring the music facet of the integrating. In desiring to understand and clear up why this might be the instance throughout these surveies, it might be helpful to look at the history of integrating.History of IntegrationAs Dewey ( 1902 ) argued, the cognition of the capable affair and immature kids ‘s lived experiences are non two separate entities, but a continuum. In order to appreciate the function of the humanistic disciplines in the present PK-12 academic course of study, one must observe the function that the humanistic disciplines have played in the history of instruction ( Gullat, 2008 ) . In general, research on music in early old ages instruction can be 23conceptualize in footings of research on ‘music for kids ‘ or research on ‘children ‘s music ‘ . Traditionally, research on vocals for kids has dominated and this research mirrors the strong grownup influence on kids ‘s musical activities in preschool ( Jordan-Dearborn and Nelson 2002 ) . Darby and Lateral ( 1994 ) cite two chronological events that led to modern believing about the humanistic disciplines in instruction. First, research workers began their position with Horace Mann in the late 1800s, saying that Mann demanded that ocular humanistic disciplines and music be taught in the common schools in Massachusetts as an assistance to the course of study and an sweetening to larning. Second, they noted that Dewey posited the correlativity between direction in the humanistic disciplines and knowledge to be positive, which had a profound consequence on course of study determinations of the clip in many locations. Social issues on larning in music have historically been conceptualized from different theoretical point of views. Within this model one differentiation is made between ‘vertical interaction ‘ ( between children/pupils and adult/teacher ) and ‘horizontal interaction ‘ ( among equals ) ( Olsson 2007 ) . Researcher Kratus ( 2007 ) states it so clearly when said â€Å" Music instruction must happen ways to both maintain up with the altering musical civilization and continue the best of our musical yesteryear †Variables for Music Integration and Academic LearningAlthough instructors are acutely cognizant of discrepancy in pupils ‘ literacy demands, many are diffident precisely how to back up these demands in the dynamic schoolroom ( Tobin, & A ; McInnes, 2008 ) . This research undertaking reports discusses grounds from Grade 2/3 schoolrooms in which instructors differentiated direction in a assortment of ways to profit all pupils. In peculiar, instructors provided extra staging for fighting literacy scholars by offering a bill of fare of tiered work merchandises, adept tutoring and extra supports. Some variables that can be considered are as follows. Can music act upon pupil larning? Is at that place some charming connexion that can assist better academic tonss and larning? Can Non-Music Specialist, every bit good as, Music Specialist be confident to learn music integrating and cross curricular lessons? Does the emotional facet of music integrating develop societal connections for larning? What does this music integrating mean to all involved? Does Music affects the behaviour and causes an consequence to better larning? Can good communicating and coaction accomplishments be indispensable to an integrating plan?DrumheadMusic has ever been a portion of the homo ‘s mundane universe. The known phrase that Music is Universal tells the reader that music is an built-in portion of the human civilization ( Salcedo, 2010 ) . .Its influences capture our emotions, inspire running and motion to a fetid round, and yet motivates in off that requires no thought. This powerful tool is st ill being researched and studied, it affects are clearly supported in bettering academic acquisition. Countrywide concerns about utile and helpful ways for academic reforms are deliberately looking at the possibilities of music integrating for bettering academic tonss. In order to appreciate the function of the humanistic disciplines in the present K – 12 academic course of studies, one must observe the function that the humanistic disciplines have played in the history of instruction ( Gullatt, 2008 ) . Besides research workers Heilig, Cole, and Aguilar ( 2010 ) were able to link the No Child Left Behind Act 2001 back to Dewey as the idea of music integrating has evolved in the instruction sphere. Learning through the humanistic disciplines provides pupils the chance for building significance of content related stuff through the usage of the ocular, dramatic, and musical humanistic disciplines while larning in the humanistic disciplines gives pupils the exposure to specific accomplishments gained through direction in these art signifiers Gouzouasis, Guhn, and Kishor ( 2007 ) . Although there are many music instructors who may regularly integrate content countries within their schoolrooms, they may or may non try this signifier of integrating with intent to make so. This struggle between intrinsic and instrumental or incorporate curricular attacks has become a dominant issue in art instruction that deserves attending from many positions ( Brewer, 2002 ) . But the fact remains that K – 12 pupils all across they state is neglecting to go literate in math and reading. This has become apparent in our appraisals and the execution of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 that requires every kid to go literate in math and reading. Educators realize that the intellect draws from many experiences and research supports the fact that music could heighten and edify many academic subjects ( Brogla-Krupke, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to research worker Samuelsson, Carlsson, Olsson, Pramling, and Wallerstedt ( 2009 ) instruction and acquisition for kids in preschool, kinde rgarten and primary school have relied upon the originative topics in doing kids cognizant of the universe around them and of their ain creative and artistic competencies – even though emergent reading, composing and mathematics have recently been seen as more of import. The articles above all support some signifier of music integrating as holding some benefits to heightening acquisition. If they do non, they besides mention that there were no negative findings from the integrating used in their instructional procedure. The bulk of the research articles in this literature reappraisal trades with music integrating and academic acquisition accomplishments in the acquisition of a linguistic communication and cross course of study larning. With the research that has been done on incorporating the humanistic disciplines we raise inquiries on how effectual this procedure will be. Music entirely can authorise pupils with existent universe communicating advantages ( Salcedo, 2010 ) . We may happen statements that there is no difficult grounds to turn out that integrating works. But one can one conclude that music integrating in this literature reappraisal found support that enhance academic acquisition? As an pedagogue of the twenty-first century acquisition clip is of kernel to go originative, concerned confederates and devoted professionals that are willing to travel the excess stat mi to actuate and bring forth strong academic scholars utilizing whatever tools it takes. Even though a assortment of research workers may happen incorporate acquisition to be a weak nexus to linking topics, research supports music as a critical connexion between the academic ( Brogla -Krupke, 2003 ) . The many researches and probe on the course of study and instructional clip for humanistic disciplines instruction revealed that music and ocular art instruction for kindergarten to fifth class remained by and large the same since 2001 ( Spohn, 2008 ) . But in taking a expression at music integrating and academic larning the schoolroom instructor and music specializer both play an of import function in showing effectual integrating plan. Harmonizing to Brouillette ( 2010 ) states that every instructor may non get the hang the proficient accomplishments of e ach humanistic disciplines subject, but all instructors should be able to utilize humanistic disciplines based schemes to further their pupils ‘ societal emotional development. Therefore, integrating of the humanistic disciplines into the academic subjects may be one avenue and experience that prepares pupils for academic success and the workplace of tomorrow ( Brogla -Krupke, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to the writers Young and Kim ( 2010 ) the current educational reform policy discourse takes for granted the cardinal function of utilizing informations to better direction. In decision these literature reappraisals have a common yarn of focal point, that is, they are centered on the influence of music in our lives in some signifier. This validates that Music integrating can be considered as a factor in heightening academic acquisition. Whether one looks at the apprehension of music pattern and the benefits of being exposed to it, our societal connexions, the demand to reform its foundations to act upon acquisition, to prosecute those who are at hazard or instruction and learning linguistic communication to one finds that there is one tool that can link the common togs together and that tool is Music. In decision these literature reappraisals have a common yarn of focal point, that is, they are centered on the influence of music in our lives in some signifier. This validates that Music integrating can be considered as a factor in heightening academic acquisition. Whether one looks at the apprehension of music pattern and the benefits of being exposed to it, our societal connexions, the demand to reform its foundations to act upon acquisition, to prosecute those who are at hazard or instruction and learning linguistic communication to one finds that there is one tool that can link the common togs together and that tool is Music
Monday, July 29, 2019
Brachyury gene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Brachyury gene - Essay Example The nature of Brachury proteins explain the gut and posterior mesoderm characteristics of the kingdom animalia (Evans et al. 2012); that is, homogenous and heterogeneous animals. In cases where the Brachyury proteins fail to express themselves in the gut and posterior mesoderm, it means that those animals lost these T domain genes in the process of evolution. Brachyury proteins of the T domain are found in ascidians, cephalochordates, and hemichordates. Since they belong to the T domain, this gives DNA binding characteristic to the Brachyury proteins. According to Beddington, Rashbass and Wilson (1992: 159), the nature of the well known mouse mutant, Brachyury (T) in cloned mouse is revealed by its sequence, which is â€Å"an open reading frame of 436 amino acids†. In the blastocyst stage embryo, this T gene is present in the inner cell mass, which is then followed by the primordial stripe. Brachyury proteins can also be considered as transcriptional activators, because they h ave the ability to get attached to a 24-bp palindromic target sequence (Brody 1997, par. 24). Beddington, R.S.P., Rashbass, P., & Wilson, V., 1992. Brachyury - a gene affecting mouse gastrulation and early organogenesis. Devclopmcni 1992 Supplement. [Online] Available at [Accessed 20 April 2013] Evans, A.L., Faial, T., Gilchrist, M.J., Down, T., Vallier, L., et al., 2012. Genomic targets of Brachyury (T) in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells. PLoS ONE, vol.7, no.3, p. e33346. [Online] Available at [Accessed 19 April
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Comparing and Contrasting - Essay Example This makes the Portuguese form appear somewhat withdrawn to the background. The form does not appear clear to the viewer while standing at a further distance from the painting. It requires light to bring out the contours that dominate the painting. The color is applied sparingly which means that it is subdued. (J. Paul Getty Museum, 2011, pg. 1) reason for this one might think was to highlight the form of the painting. The brown color that is dominant throughout the painting is mainly to draw the viewer to the form but the dissecting of form to interact with space does not at the end make the viewer arrive at a specific form. It leaves room for the viewer to form different forms from looking at it because the form keeps shifting. The reason for this could be the unusual use of light and shadow that was employed by the painter. George says that he had discovered the meaning of horizontal and vertical which he clearly used in this painting. He claims that color would have brought a certain kind of sensation that would have interfered with his use of space. Once a picture stops being real, one can touch it. This is what motivated the painter to crave for space. He wanted to touch the picture and express it in form of space. Therefore we could come to a conclusion that the quest for space is what gave the conception of analytical cubism. The desire to touch still life. The painter was interested in separating himself from the real picture as possible. He took more time and drew several pictures at once. It took him years but that is what he wanted. He says that apples would die long before he could finish a painting. The outcome is not important but the path followed by the painter at arriving at the end result (â€Å"Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice.†Preprints, 1995, pg.34). That way the viewer appreciates the journey, each stroke of the brash, the delicate manner in which the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Roman and Mongol Conquests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Roman and Mongol Conquests - Essay Example The leaders crafted policies that ensured continued survival and expansion through ruthless crusades and strategic treaties. It may also have been their dogged determination and ability to rise from the ashes of defeat on to victory as was the case for Rome (Livy, 1905). Monarchies and ruling hierarchies were established along either blood or loyalty lines depending on which strategy served best. At times, it included both cases, for instance, in the case of Genghis Khan. In each case, the subjugation of conquered territories through force, surrender or the brokering of peace treaties fortified the might of the Empire and gave strength and momentum for expansion. During their various conquests and expansion under various rulers, initial wars were fought with neighboring nations or tribes. Campaigns were sent out in all directions to conquer new lands for the Empire. The rise of the Mongol Empire began at a time when the usually dry and cold steppes of Central Asia got their most favorable conditions for over a hundred years. Thus, the rapid growth in numbers of battle horses, other livestock and food supplies (Burgan, 2005). The growth may have enhanced the military ability of the Mongols. The strategic placement of Rome gave it unrivaled dominance of the Mediterranean Sea and allowed it to encompass peripheral lands was its greatest advantage (Livy, 1905). Won wars always led to subjugation of conquered peoples. While Rome imposed measures such as payment of taxes and tributes to Rome, Mongols approached matters from a platform of unification by making conditions more favorable for the People. Genghis Khan united rival tribes by banning fighting among Mongols, successfully ending civil strife. He also forbade trading of women, pilfering of other’s property and desiccation of animal populations during the breeding season. According to Burgan, He shared his bounty among all crusaders and their
Friday, July 26, 2019
Tanzanie Experiment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tanzanie Experiment Paper - Essay Example While some people argue that the curriculum should allow use of Kiswahili in secondary school, the policy makers argue that students should learn English to be able to participate globally. This paper explains how to set up a randomized control trial to obtain a solution for the challenge. 2. How to set up a randomized control trial in Tanzania. Deciding which language to be used for learning would be the most appropriate solution for the learning challenge in Tanzania. The criteria to decide on the most appropriate language would include ensuring that the language used for learning in school increase the students ability to learn and achieve global competitiveness. Tanzania, which is a former protectorate of British, has adopted English. English language is widely used in the globe while Kiswahili is a local language. Moreover, students can utilize books written by diverse authors across the globe without requiring a translation from English into Kiswahili. Selecting English as a le arning language in primary school would enable students to be empowered using English for communication, encourage a positive attitude in learning and familiarize students with basic expressions. There are two possible outcomes of the randomized controlled trial. Use of English as a learning language in primary school may improve the performance of student in secondary school. ... will ensure that the subjects of study will involve two clusters where one will receive early intervention of English language while the other cluster will use Kiswahili to learn in primary school. A follow up on the eligible or recruited subjects will be done to compare the outcomes. Jadad and Enkin (12) mention that randomized controlled trial reduces bias by selecting the subjects randomly. The trial will provide answers on weather introduction of English for learning in primary school would enable students increase their learning abilities in secondary school. The subjects will be randomly selected from different schools to include private and public schools in rural and urban setting. Classes of thirty to sixty students in two hundred and seventy schools will be randomly selected. Students will be introduced to English language for learning, in one hundred and thirty five schools. Teachers in the cluster that will use English for learning will be required to be proficient in Eng lish. The teachers can be trained while others can be employed. Students will be taught all subjects in English and be required to speak in English in their social setting. The measurement of their performance will be obtained regularly at the end of each semester. The results will be compared with that of the cluster that used Kiswahili in their primary school. Oral and written tests will be administered to students in the two clusters after every four months. Follow up will be extended in secondary school where students who learnt using English in primary school will be compared against those who learnt in Kiswahili. All subjects will be taught in English by teachers with competent English skills. The teachers will be required to use English when talking to the students within and
Criminal Liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Criminal Liability - Essay Example This left the roof in a dangerous position that collapsed killing Serena. Adam can be held criminally liable for the death of Serena. His act of stealing lead connects the link of causation that led to the death of Serena. Criminal negligence represents men's rea. However, the men's rea in this situation is replaced by the recklessness of Adam. The test used to determine recklessness is the standard of behaviour expected of the defendant in such circumstances. A reasonable person in such circumstances would not have committed the act that Adam did and therefore he can be considered to have the men's rea required to find him criminally liable. The test here applies to willful negligence in gross negligence that another person would find it reckless. In criminal law, there must be an actus reus and men’s rea. The actus reus of the defendant was stealing the lead that led to the roof collapsing. Criminal negligence looks at the culpability and recklessness that causes the interme diate seriousness of the resulting actions of a defendant. Adam was reckless in his actions since he exposed other members of the church to damage. This means that he was willful in running the risk. The courts in such a case will apply the test of a reasonable person to analyze his culpability in such a case. This test of culpability and men's rea is an assessment by the courts to establish whether the defendant had the foresight of the consequences of his actions. It applies three elements in these tests.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Managerial Decision making essay 6 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managerial Decision making 6 - Essay Example Despite the enormous pressures through sanctions and other measures by the US and its allies, Iran has held ground that it will not stop its nuclear programs. After many rounds of negotiations, it is clear that the US cannot achieve its goal of convincing Iran to stop its nuclear programs and hence this stalemate will have to be addressed by approaching the negotiation table using other approaches. In a stalemate negotiation, the issues of concern must shift from hard-line positions to new ones, which will ensure that the fears of each group are met and addressed. In this case, the solution shifts from a competitive approach where each group wants to win, to a new approach where each group wins, that is, a win-win solution (Bazerman & Moore, 2009). In these negotiations, the issues always boil down to US wanting to reduce Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and Iran seeking to maintain them, which leads to a stalemate at the end. In such a negotiation, it is important to identify th e issues of agreement between the two parties, then the issues of contention and hence decide where to compromise and also where necessary come up with new solutions discussed together on the table. Further the two groups must now frame the agendas of the negotiations in a more promising way. Like in any negotiation, cognitive mistakes can happen in such a negotiation. Such mistakes include irrational escalation of commitment, self –serving biases, negotiator overconfidence and issues and problem framing. To avoid irrational escalation of commitment, it is important to have an external advisor, who warns the group when they start acting irrationally when in the heat of the negotiations. In addition, to self-serving biases, it is important for negotiators to listen to others and consider their motivations for their positions in the process (Foreman & Selly, 2001). Negotiator overconfidence may lead negotiators to believe that their
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions in an adventure tourism Essay
Value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions in an adventure tourism context - Essay Example The purpose of this review is to evaluateWilliam and Soutar’s research paper, â€Å"Value, Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions in an Adventure Tourism Context†published in an Elsevier Journal in 2009, from an utilitarian perspective and therefore to assess their investigations’ contribution to the ongoing research on adventure tourism. Further this review will critically evaluate the validity and eligibility, in particular, of their research. In this regard, especially the literature review, method and analysis sections will be assesses and evaluated critically in search of any anomalies misinterpretations on the researchers’ side that might affect their findings. In their article, Williams and Soutar have investigated into the impacts of the adventure tourists’ value and satisfaction on the consumers’ consumption, decision-making and future intentions for the product of adventure tourism. In William and Soutar’s own words, the st udy is â€Å"an attempt to answer some of these questions and used a recognized services marketing framework to examine the relationships between adventure tourists’ perceptions of value, satisfaction and future intentions†(414). Though William and Soutar’s exploration into the interrelations between the adventure â€Å"tourists’ perceptions of value, satisfaction and future intentions†in both theoretical and practical frameworks from a â€Å"Multidimensional Perspective of Customer Value†perspective is not any novel exploration into the adventure tourism from the consumers’ perspective... The major trend of the scholars’ researches on adventure tourism remains focused on the achievement of the consumers’ attention through quality of service. But the consumers’ value as well as their perception of adventure tourism has remained unexplored. Referring to scholars like Baker and Crompton (2000), Botterill and Crompton (1996), Jayanti and Ghosh (1996) and others, William and Soutar contend that a significant number of studies on the â€Å"intangibility, dynamism and subjectivity†of the tourists’ consumptions as well as on the â€Å"functional, objective and tangible components†of consumerism in a tourist destination have been led by the researchers in the past years, there is a â€Å"lack of understanding about the nature of these experiences or their relationship with marketing constructs, such as service quality, customer value or satisfaction†(415). Being inspired by this research gap, William and Soutar attempt to pro vide his readers with a deeper insight into the behavioural nature of a tourist’s intention and choice for adventure tourism. For this research, William and Soutar mainly depended on the quantitative analysis of the data converted into numeric values. The collected the consumer value, satisfaction and intentions related data from on-spot adventure tourists who traveled â€Å"on four-wheel drive adventure tours to the Pinnacles in Western Australia†(419). They especially put emphasis on the particular functional and objective features, of the adventure tourist spot, such as the spatial and durational length of the tours, geophysical nature of the spot, safety and security, insurance for
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Endowment Effect, Behavioural, and Standard Economics Theories Essay
Endowment Effect, Behavioural, and Standard Economics Theories - Essay Example Regardless of the participants’ immense experience in the real world market, he found out that the willingness to accept the mugs was nearly three times higher than the willingness to pay. This is an indication that even experienced negotiators are also susceptible to the endowment effect (Angeletos, Repetto, Tobacman, and Weinberg, 2001; p. 57). The result of these two experiments is similar indicating that the human brain makes a decision almost in a similar way and on the other hand, it is apparent to note that persons under the same environmental conditions often operate under the same constraints (List, 2004; p. 617). It should also be noted that the same constraints affect even those who have experience in certain fields. The endowment effect can be analysed using neoclassical or standard economics that is strongly built on the assumptions that ever turned to well established facts (Babcock et al. 1994; pg. 928). The most vital and preferred assumption is that all econom ic agents that include consumers, suppliers, and companies among others are fully rational and their visible hand works create market efficiency (Knetsch and Wong, 2009; p. 410). Rational economists often consider these assumptions a basic, logical, and self-evident; hence, they do not require any empirical scrutiny (Babcock and Loewenstein, 1997; p. 110). Materialism has also been identified as one of the forces behind endowment effect. Some people believe that the material they own is a central occupation that provides them with success and happiness. Using materialism to determine the existence of endowment effect, 317 first year students at Katholieke University Leuven, Belgium were subjected to a study. The survey provided a...This paper discusses the endowment effect, which can be analysed using neoclassical or standard economics that is strongly built on the assumptions that ever turned to established facts Materialism has also been identified as one of forces behind endowmen t effect. Analysing endowment effect through experimental evidence often leads to the behavioural economics that targets the analysis of new variables that are often ignored by the standard economics Endowment effect largely depends on behavioural decision making that analyses how people often make certain decisions. Behavioural decision-making is a vital field that is used by different other fields including psychology, political science, management, and economics among other Endowment effect is an essential element in economics since it causes conflict between the actual behaviour and macroeconomic theory that says that value of an object should be independent of the ownership The core behavioural economics depict realism of the psychological economic analysis that aims at improving the economics on its own terms including generating better phenomena predictions, generating theoretical insights, and suggesting better policies At the same time behavioural economics does not disregard neoclassical approach to the understanding and analysis of economics and neither does it reject utility maximization, efficiency, and equilibrium The understanding of standard economics is purely pegged on the understanding of behavioural economics without concentrating on the psychology of such concepts. In regards to human behaviour, standard economics model assumes that the actions of people are fully pegged on their full information on the action in question
Monday, July 22, 2019
Occupied America Essay Example for Free
Occupied America Essay The logic of â€Å"Not just pyramids, Explorers, and Heroes.†The main purpose of this chapter is to explain the evolution of the Mesoamerica civilizations through the Preclassical and Postclassical periods, explain the evolution and impact that agriculture had during the first stages of the civilization and how that fact was the main factor of the change from nomads to sedentary and also to describe the changes in the development of the classes and differences of gender and the creation of the â€Å"cities†and urban centers. Everything explained chronologically to a better understand of the topic, evaluating every aspect of the culture, as the author says â€Å"Time represents the knowledge a people have accumulate.†(2) What the author was question I think in this chapter was the main characteristics of the most important or more highlighted cultures in Mesoamerica, talking also briefly about the similarities whit other civilizations around the world but putting more attention that what the â€Å"evolution†or progress of people in Mesoamerica means because he talks from the Olmecas to the Aztecs and some other cultures that were an important part of the history of those civilizations and the generation of a new urban population as stated â€Å"Food surpluses made possible â€Å"specialization of labor†and the development of complex social institutions such as organized religion and education.†(2) I do believe that the most important information that we have to remember are not necessarily the exact time or the exact characteristics of each civilization but which one was first and which one appeared later chronologically, by an example knowing that the Olmeca’s are known as the mother culture because it is known as the oldest culture of all, and then the Mayas appeared with some similarities in their hieroglyphics and some traditions, or as how the religion and beliefs about Quetzalcoatl of the mother culture was expanded towards some other civilizations of Mesoamerica, and not stopping here but also remembering the importance of each of one and also their differences. Getting to understand their progress through the time, and how this civilizations developed a new urban system by creating centers and actual cities formed not only by pyramids but also homes and schools, how is that their progress created a society that advanced. And also the changes every culture ha d by how the hierarchies worked and how some people were more powerful than others by the â€Å"primogenitor†right.
Pre Industrial England 1450-1750
Pre Industrial England 1450-1750 Pre-industrial England was a period that laid the foundation for the industrial revolution. Its too vast with numerous changes that may seem to contradict itself if confined to a single definition. In the early beginnings of the period, the ratio of population to land was low, with small rural communities heavily engaged in agriculture. Markets were imperfect, along with simple/sluggish technology mostly because, the pre-industrial man was unaccustomed to innovation or simply did not see the need for cost reducing innovations. The method of production was mostly labor intensive with little capital equipment if any at all. The description thus far is fitting for the period 1450-1650. During this period population growth fluctuated widely, mostly because of famines and diseases. It is worthy to note that the family was the foundation of the home economy and in aggregation the essence of the pre-industrialized economy. The family structure was the source of knowledge, wealth and in many cases legitimacy (particularly in the case of women). During this age, England was a pyramid of status. Ownership of land was the materialization of status and the quickest way to political leverage. This set in motion the incentive for development: the desire to acquire more land through the plouging back of profits into the purchase of land. It was during this time that the concept of RENT was developed. Though the industrial revolution started in Britain, during the period 1450-1650 England was behind its continental counterparts in almost every economic respect. Though population growth fluctuated, it had an upward trend; unfortunately the primitive economy was unable to absorb this surplus labor. Consequently, pre-industrial Britain was plagued with unemployment and underemployment. As if the latter was not bad enough, high mortality rates forced a young population to work and an overwhelming climate of beggars and vagabonds emerged. One interesting way the economy sought to absorb the excess labor was through the immigrations of this surplus to cities e.g. London. Europe had long been competing among itself for new markets and raw materials. This led to the beginning of colonialization and the discovery of new lands. Britain had long been and persisted to be an exporter of mostly raw materials. Before boats and new trading routes were invented and discovered, trading was problematic and capital accumulation was down right impossible. The medium of exchange was poorly defined and barter proved to be complex because of the double coincidence of wants. In the mid 15th century, there was an evident shift in the export of raw materials to manufactured goods, mostly the export of cloth. (refer to Fig 1 p 50) Very quickly cloth export accounted for 2/3 of all exports, most of which were destined for colonial territories and Low Countries. In light of this positive change, England was still largely a primary product producer, as such; they had a high import dependency on continental Europe. Through immigration, England was able to import new skills and techniques and in some cases capital. While England began to harness the power of this intake, there was a discovery of gold in South America. This made capital accumulation a little less difficult and further fueled trade. Though industrial jobs were seasonal because productive activities were predominantly dependant on the seasonality of crops, glimpses of urbanization could be seen. Artisans and craftsmen were the first manufacturers who often worked with just an apprentice; their capital formation was small, nevertheless, growing. The location of industries were dependent on the labor supply and occupations of all nature started to emerge and change continually as taste, fads and fashion change. In the book, the economy of England 1450-1750 by D.C. Coleman: England was described as having habit of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦borrowing and improving, rather than inventingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Though homegrown inventions occurred, this habit was embedded in the English national trait. In light of this copy cat approach of the English, from the 17th to 18th century, English patents had increased drastically. Patents in this case are used as a proxy to represent the quantity of inventions/innovations. See fig. 2 p 154. In brief, English industry in the century from 1650 to 1750 can exhibit a variety of innovations, some of a radical nature in that they are represented injections of capital equipment which had the effect of raising productivity. Some involved a new use of power-driven machinery or opened up new possibilities therein, for example, in silk-throwing or cotton-spinning, some saw a replacement of one important input in the production process by another, for example, coal for charcoal, steam and atmospheric pressure for horse- or man power. The quote above taken from the economy of England 1450-1750 by D.C. Coleman, adequately sums up the importance and impact of the innovations taken place in England at the time. Pre-industrial England (Analysis) Why was the pre-industrial age the way it was? Or, how did it transform into the industrial revolution? I will seek to explain or find some bearings to answer these hard questions. My analysis will be confined to a few fundamental elements of capitalism: property rights, capital accumulation, profit motive, institutions, and level of technology and government intervention. It is known that low labor productivity, poor education, high fertility and mortality rates along with the dominance of physical over human capital plagued the pre-industrial period. The reverse is true when compared to modern societies, which is characterized by low fertility rates and extreme emphasize on human capital. What accounted for the spurts in population growth that forced the surplus labor to immigrate to the cities? With little education and sluggish technology there was roughly an average level of human capital. Earnings and benefit from investing in human capital were both low, and the typical agricultural laborer earned their maximum income at age 20.. Thus, parents would choose quantity as opposed to quality in child bearing; this sheds some light on the reasons population boom. High mortality rates also forced parents to reproduce at a high rate and began to prepare an army of labor that flourished during the industrial revolution. The number of patents issued (used as a proxy for capital accumulation) signals the rate of capital accumulation and developments in technology. Of course, these changes pale in comparison to modern standards but it laid a foundation that was essential to the industrial revolution. Reference was made in the overview regarding Britains culture of borrowing and improving, this also sought to cement the foundation of technological changes during this period. The pre-industrial mans desire for status and political accomplishment along with the desire to be favored by the crown, propelled the pre-industrial age. Granted, at a slow rate. This was mostly done through the conquering of new lands and meager changes (compared to modern standards) to productive activities. Imperfect markets were able to a limited extent however, to fuel the industrial mans profit motives. Nevertheless, this remains one of the few underlying elements of capitalism that never wavered or seems to fade. The pre-industrial age was preserved through the family structure, and the family structure was preserved through the ownership of lands. All the essential elements of capitalism were in existence and growing in every respect during this primitive age. True, it has evolved since, but that is not a demerit, rather, the reason why its able to survive all these years. At the heart of this period, the crown/state/government played a most vital role in industrial planning. Colonies were set up, trade agreements were made, and many accomplishments were made in the name of the crown. The crown was very much involved in Britains development. The states role and power had changed remarkably over the years, but we include it as an essential element of capitalism to illustrate the crucial role of government in jump starting an economy. Industrialization (750-1830) The industrial revolution was basically a fundamental change in the structure of Britains economy. It was the reallocation of resources away from agriculture. Britain being the first nation to become industrialized in the mid 18th century experienced rapid growth. These high growth rates would involve changes in every aspect of the economy. Britain rich iron, coal and reliable source of waterpower were essential to the industrial revolution. Colonies around the world supplied Britain with raw materials e.g. cotton and wheat and served as a market place for manufactured cloth. These colonies helped to stimulate the textile and iron industries, the wealth then generated by these two industries is what drove the industrial revolution. The steam engine was the greatest innovation of the industrial revolution because it became an instrument for applying basic innovations in many industries and transport. In the 1800s industries such as cotton spinning and iron was dependent on the steam engine. Landowning and farming wealth flowed to investment for improving land and transport while commercial wealth flowed to industry. Institutions created incentives and encourage innovation for entrepreneurs. The acceleration of industrial development was facilitated by the emergence of institutions such as financial systems, legal systems, and social institutions. Since the economy was growing at a steady pace, financial systems were needed to support this profound change: the established of the banking system in the 1690s. The banking system began to mobilize savings more widely after the 1750s. The bank of England, the London private bank and the country bankers made up the banking system. The problem with capital accumulation in the 18th century was one of establishing a tube by which capital could flow from the groups who were making the savings to those who really needed the credit. During the industrial revolution laws were enforced which required all land to be fenced at the expense of the owners. This caused many families to borrow from banks. Women and children made up 75% of the workers, this was because they were easily manipulated into accepting low wages which kept the cost of production low and profits high. Children were preferred since they had smaller hands; which was often needed to fit into parts of the machines. The laissez faire approach of the government allowed capitalism to flourish. There was little or no government regulations imposed upon factory policies. In the industrial ages the states role was basically to institutionalize social and economic forces and to provide security at home and abroad in which market forces would operate. Since they worked 18hrs per day they spent no real time together as a family, hence the industrial revolution contributed to the break down of the family unit. The living conditions were horrible because the cities became over crowded. Families lived in factory houses. These houses had no more than three to four rooms, more than one family then had to occupy a room. Other families who couldnt afford the rent of the factory houses lived in slums with little sanitation, as a result mortality rates were high (infant mortality rates were 50%) The legal system endorsed property rights and extended the concept of property to such assets as shares, bills of exchange, bank notes and patents. There was a pyramid concerned with land use. At the top there were the landowners, they comprised of temporal lords, gentlemen and freeholders (better sort and lesser). The lesser freeholders were the ones who owned and tilled their own land. They formed the middle class, the employing class who were the backbone of the agricultural economy. The others rented their land to the second group who where the land cultivators. These land cultivators formed a mixed group; which included small freeholders, owner-cultivators, the family-worked farm, the small holders and squatters. The third group, which was the base of the pyramid were the farm laborers; the proletariats. In the 18th century government began to intervene by implementing factory act, which aimed at securing the welfare of children. Industrial revolution Analysis This analysis will be based on the fundamental elements of capitalism: property rights, capital accumulation, profit motive, institutions, and level of technology and government intervention. It will answer why and how these elements changed/ developed during the industrial ages. Unlike the pre-industrial age capital accumulation wasnt as difficult. The emergence of foreign trade and the banking system made capital accumulation easier. Now the question is how and why these systems did emerge? Capital was accumulated through property ownership but also with the expansion of trade, that is: as trade increased, more money was demanded which was later provided for by gold and silver. The foundation of the bank of England in 1694 was part of a deal made between the government, (desperately short of finance in wartime) and the leading merchants and financers. Capital goods industries began to emerge mainly because of worldwide industrialization and the increased accumulation of capital through investment. This development led to mass production, and was responsible for the increase in British iron output during the 1830-1840 and continued to increase until the 1880s which also led to an increase in the employment of coalminers. The expansion of these industries changed most of the social problems that were present in the initial phase of industrialization: it gave unskilled workers better paid jobs, and improved working conditions which increased dramatically in the 1850s. The profit motive has been the driving force towards industrial capitalism. It encourages firms to operate more efficiently thus, promoting competition among rival firms. It served as the catalyst for production, distribution and consumption. Why did the level of technology change? Because of changing demand and the enlarged size of the markets promoted the development of new methods of production, often through innovation and adaptation of already existing technology. POST INDUSTRIALISATION The post industrialized period, is defined in this paper as that span of time in which Britains economy began to make the transition between what can be termed as Industrial Capitalism to Financial Capitalism. This simply means a decline in Britains manufacturing industry and growth of the financial sector. Why the manufacturing industry declined? To address this we need to consider many factors: the first important factor to is seen as the change in the power of the people that is the labor laws reforms and the electoral laws reforms. During the early and mid years of the industrialized period there was little power for the working class, they had no right to vote unless they owned property. They had no voice in the workplace, no way of expressing their displeasure and swift and harsh actions were taken against those who refused to obey the law.. Coming to the end of the industrial period and into the post, there were a number of reforms and acts introduced to change this fundamental problem within Britain. Firstly in 1871 trade unions were made legal, and they were allowed to strike. However it was not until 1875 that the legal act, Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act, was implemented to allow workers to peacefully strike at their place of work. But after terms of revolts in the working populace, into being came the Labor government party, and during their term (1906) they brought into being the Trade Disputes Act, which declared that unions could not be sued for damages done during a strike. In this respect, the power of the working class grew tremendously as compared to the earlier years of industrialization. But these Labor laws were not the only important reforms being made during this period to address the power of the people; in fact they went synonymously with the reforms being made to the electoral system. In the mid 18th century, The Great Reform Act (1832) gave vote to only male householders who held a certain amount of property. In time it was evident that this act was generally met with an outcry from the working population who paid taxes. This displeasure of the populace led to a Second Reform Act (1867) which allowed many of the working class men living in towns to cast a vote. However this system was still at fault because voting was done in the open and men were forced to stoop to pressures of their employers and landowners, that is- to vote in their interest. So upon recognition by the aforementioned, the labor government party introduce The Secret Ballot which allowed men to vote in seclusion, away from the pressures of their employers and land owners. But the second reform act was still deemed inadequate because it still failed to capture a decent proportion of the population, so came The Third Reform Act, in 1884. This new act now gave voting rights to adult male householders in Britain- which encompasses those living in the country areas. But with the exclusion of women, the system was still insufficient. After many womens rights movement there was a new act passed called the People Act of 1918 which gave voting rights to all men over the age of 21 and all women over the age of 30. This single act propelled the size of the electorate from 7.7 million to 21.8 million! This was not the end however, soon after the Equal Franchise Act of 1928 gave voting rights to all women over the age of 21 on the same terms the men had. And then finally, a new Representation of the People Act gave voting rights to everyone over the age of eighteen. The changes in the electoral and labor laws caused the emergence of a new phenomenon in Britain. The wants and demands of the people were now stronger and more politicians were more eager to meet them. Given the new found power of the populace, workers were now entitled to a larger share of the Gross Domestic Product (in future will be addressed as GDP). The general standard of living was now a principle that could no longer be ignored; the happiness of the entire Britains populace was now the centre focus of all politicians and no longer only the sole happiness of the entrepreneurs. As such some manufacturers found it unprofitable to keep on running when they can no longer access cheap labor, and governments found it necessary to implement many social safety nets to keep its populace happy. As stated before, addressing why the manufacturing industry declined we need to look at many factors, so far the populaces power has been addressed. The next important issue that needs attention is that of world trade. The British economy at the beginning of the industrialized period was well noted for some of the greatest inventions in the world. They were at one point in time even addressed as the workshop of the world. This advantage Britain had over the world market stemmed from their great inventions, namely; the stream engine, the railway train, the coke burning blast furnace, the power loom, the spinning jenny and the water frame. In time, the increasing globalization that took place in the latter years of the industrialized period caused her to lose this advantage. Aero planes and motorcars were made by the French, German and American inventors, thus, the comparative advantage Britain held significantly declined in the later years of its industrialized period. In the early years of industrialization Britain had rich coal and iron ore near the surface, but by the mid 19th century all the cheaply accumulated coal and iron were gone. Although there were deeper reserves, the advantage of the resource endowment significantly decreased. That being said, the British population growth began to significantly slow down in the late 19th century at that critical time when the American population began to grow rapidly. The power of British rivals increased rapidly, via their population growth and innovations as such Britains power in the world market was proportionately reduced and their manufacturing industries were left behind. . Britain was deemed as lucky to procure investors within its economy to help propel it during its industrial ages. Heading steep into the 20th century it was evident that an agglomeration of capital was invested in foreign industries, since the British investors saw it as more profitable to establish business overseas. It was a good investment for the British entrepreneurs but it also helped develop industries abroad, those industries to rival that of Britains. The invention of the railway and the telegraph system in the mid 19th century encouraged banks to expand and establish branches distances away from the main offices. Many people lost money when they invested into small banks, so government regulations were introduced to make it easier for larger banking groups to be formed. There was security in any particularly large bank. In mid 19th century The Bank Charter Act was introduced in order to reassure customers that their dollar invested in the bank was equivalent to gold sovereigns. This particular regulation had an enormous effect on bankers everywhere, the bigger banks became even more secure than the smaller ones, and as such mergers became ultimately inevitable. The Midland bank was a small bank founded in 1836 by Charles Greach. But by the late 20th century there were 200 branches of the Midland Bank stationed in London alone. It was clear; mergers were now a common thing within Britains financial industry. Britains financial sector continued to grow until it became a landmark within it one of the largest and richest cities in the world London. Britain had developed other major financial institutions such as the London Stock Exchange and The Commodity Market. This city had become known as the center of the worlds finances. Britains current account deficit at the time would have led to a crisis but the foreign investments Britain had secured were more than enough to cancel out the trade deficit. It is common knowledge that Britain had fought two world wars and surprisingly enough these foreign investments helped finance the wars. Britain had run up massive debt during the First World War, particularly with the United States of America, she had claimed to borrow an estimate of  £959 million. This was not the end however; even with the great lost in wealth (approximately a quarter of Britains wealth was lost) there was an introduction of liberal economic policies, which pushed Britains economy further down with slow growth rates and high unemployment. The national debt had increased 11 times what it used to be. Britain also had a streak of bad debts as she could not have expected repayment from loans given to Russia because of the communist takeover, nor could she expect the loans she lent to France because of the war damages France had incurred. To manage her empire Britain decided to implement her Ten Year Rule, it stated that she did not expect to fight another war for at least ten years. As such there were major defense budget cuts to make up for the debt owed. This impact as would be expected further restricted Britains foreign policies. So the impact of the First World War significantly influenced and restricted Britains empire. Continuing into the early 20th century, Britain felt the wraith of the American economy In the 1930s Britain experienced unemployment of 22.8%, but then a decrease to 13.9% in 1936 to 10% in 1938. But also, Traditional industries such as textiles and coal mining were severely affected by the depression. So it was evident that there was even further decline in the manufacturing sector during this period. There was also deflation in the economy at the 1930s as prices for food and rent fell by approximately 15%. Into the Second World War Britain plummeted, and it emerged in greater financial upheaval. It lost about an average of 12% of its productive capacity. By the 1940s British exports were in a decline by 35% as compared to 1935. Britain had almost exhausted its gold and dollar reserves on ammunitions, raw materials and some industrial equipment. Britain had even borrowed a further $31.4 billion dollars from the United States, as it was estimated near bankruptcy. So after the Second World War, Britain had lost support from the United States lend lease program, which was said to be the life support of Britain at that time. Now with its huge lost in wealth the two world wars began to take its toll on Britain. So after supporting Britain in the wars, countries demanded their independence, and decolonization started with Indias independence in 1947. Britain was also losing its old markets as commonwealth agreements were made to only do regional trade with local and regional entities. It is here Britain took a strong structural change from the manufacturing industry towards the services industry, in this regard many industrialized parts of Britain was left in a steady state. There were then packages with the intent of nationalization, as government tried to take hold of the economy. Devaluation of the pound was made, Britains economy still experienced low growth rates, and the new Labor government was unable to solve the problem. In came the famous Margaret Thatcher who implemented many economic reforms, leading to deregulation and privatization of major industries. Competition policy was the forefront of her ideology which replaced that of industrial policy. This resulted in high unemployment rates, but subsequently led to significant increases in growth rates. The British economy continued to experience rapid growth straight into the 1990s, with the exception for the recession experienced in the early quarters of the 1990s. Advances in technology continued to help the British economy and the conservatives kept rule until 1997, when they were taken over by Tony Blairs labor party. Blair introduced policies to reduce unemployment, gave power to the Bank of England to set interest rates and then introduced the minimum wage in Britain. But the Blair government decided to stick with the spending plans of the conservatives, and the economy kept on moving. Heading into the 21st century, the labor party increased taxes and borrowing, utilizing the money for public services. The growth rates in this era were kept constant, but the pound value fluctuated. The Britain kingdom was fairly well off, during the 21st century until it experienced the 2008 great recession, which was deemed as the worst recession since the Second World War. POST INDUSTRIALIZATION ANALYSIS As stated in the beginning, this period is defined as that in which Britains economy made a transition from a manufacturing based system to a financial based system. The aim of our paper is to understand how capitalism changed (transitioned) from the previous periods into this one. We have noted that this change in Britains economy was not the result of one particular factor; it was the agglomeration of many important fragments. It had begun with the simultaneous changes in the populace, capital accumulation and world trade. But it was more so propelled by the impacts of the two world wars and the many changes that stemmed from them. As compared to the previous two periods it was realized that the people of Britain had no say in any decisions being made for the country unless they had some significant amount of capital. Due to many constitutional reforms by the state this defining phenomenon of the populace had changed. The force behind these reforms came from pressures behind new founded labor institutions such as the trade unions. The need of these institutions, however, had originally stemmed from the pressure the industrialized period placed on its laborers. The world trade had laid upon Britain an enchantment of the profit motive. But guided by policy systems and development of financial institutions the profit motive inhibited growth in Britains domestic investment. This restriction led to a gradual decrease in Britains comparative advantage in the industrial world market. But although the profit motive had caused Britain to eventually export more than they import, it had changed Britains national accounting figures. So the profit motive had transformed Britains economy as it became more dependent on increases in invisible trade and not so much on the production and exports of goods. Capital accumulation and the profit motive however were not the sole signatories to the reforms in Britain, its necessary to make mention of the impact of technology on the system. At the beginning of the industrial period Britain had the advantage because they had the best technology in the world. But this did not stay as such, since given time, the major inventions in the world were not British. Some argue this was because technology booms are random and usually are only directly affected by significant investments in research and development. Britain had fought two world wars and it had emerged victorious but not without its economical burdens. After the first world war Britain had to restrict is international polices as it incurred major national debt. But after the Second World War, Britain was hanging on to America to keep functioning. It had lost nations due to demand for decolonization, and it lost world markets due to new trade restrictions from Caribbean countries. The promotion of deregulation, privatization, and competition polices let to a recovery of the economy. Monetary policies were transformed- allowing the Bank of England to set interest rates. These changes promoted massive growth of the British economy and the recovery of the system. It is also during this time frame that the government made decisions that define post industrialization today. The government set their famous safety nets in this period. They set: minimum wages, increase taxes and increase their public services. These safety nets are what vastly distinguish this period from previous ones, in the two previous ages there was no concern for the well being of the British populace as compared to the post industrial age. Britains Development via Industrialization A Critical Analysis As outlined in the heart of this paper Britain had traveled through three periods each leading successfully to the next. The paper seeks to illustrate how essential the fundamental elements of capitalism are to a nations development. It identifies the uniqueness of capitalism and its resilience in light of contradictory forces. There had been fierce debate over the roles of government and the effectiveness/fairness of protectionist policies in national development. Contrary to modern literature and advocates for free trade, Britains advantage in the industrial period (protection of infant industries) was maintained by strong protectionist measures and governments hand at each door step of the economy, (from the 17th to 18th centuries). The philosophy/ideology of mercantilism reigned for at least a hundred years: the belief that the source of a nations wealth is through the barring of imports whilst boosting exports. This gave Britains industries an advantage of a hundred years. Sectors were able to develop, change and learn from their mistakes. Most importantly, they were able to become efficient and specialist within their fie
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